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  1. Stoners With Guns

    So this b*tch is cheetin on me...

    you should have sex with her one more time, and right when you bust wisper " I have aids".
  2. Stoners With Guns

    ACid in a Piss test

    you nailed it. it can only be found in a spinal tap wich are dangerous and expensive.
  3. Stoners With Guns

    Peruvian Torch

    what is it? i have never heard of this.
  4. Stoners With Guns

    Trying Salvia

    dude, i have smoked salvia once. and let me tell you.....WOW. my roomates girlfriend didnt feel it at all. but she smoked it out of a pipe. i on the other hand took a bong load and got stuck in another world (a spinning weel) for about 5 minutes. the next houre it felt like i was coming down...
  5. Stoners With Guns

    Taking mushrooms alone?

    not at all, if you feel like you can handel a 8 houre trip by yourself. i recomend having a buddy but i've triped alone. it was very introspective and insightfull. just have lots of good music. i realy recomend The Who: who's next album all the way through when you start peeking. it literaly...
  6. Stoners With Guns


    dude BTBAM is a fucking awsome band, very progresive.
  7. Stoners With Guns

    All I Do is Smoke Weed - Nick Swardson

    hahaha, thats pretty funny. thats the guy from grandmas boy right? "Shiiits Weeeeeek"
  8. Stoners With Guns

    Price of pounds where ur at

    so nieve, dude i'm not flaming you at all, but LOOK AT HIS POSTS!!!!!! i wish we could vote to ban people.
  9. Stoners With Guns

    Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

    dude thats so true about not avoiding friends. just expres how you feel about their downword spiral. i'm very glad that alot of my friends didnt write me off. some did but thats theire own jugemental deal. alot of them christian, not that i have anyting wrong with it, but we grew up together and...
  10. Stoners With Guns

    Price of pounds where ur at

    "I'm feelin it" seriously all his posts have to do with finding wheight. call me parinoid, but i listen to my first initial instinct. kept me safe so far (knocks on wood). ..........ever heard about Overgrow?
  11. Stoners With Guns

    Price of pounds where ur at

    if any one is wondering look at "its" most recent posts. its all about prices and wheight.
  12. Stoners With Guns

    Price of pounds where ur at

    I'm just saying what everybodys thinking.......your a cop come on 3 posts and your already asking that shit? i thought you guys were beter than that.....well not that much better.
  13. Stoners With Guns

    Shoot 'em down

    I'm right there with you man, everybody's so up in arms about toxic gasses and spy satellite shit. I'm just stoked to know that we can prevent ARMAGEDDON from now on. way to go for the US for blowing shit up again...this time in space.
  14. Stoners With Guns

    Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

    well seems like we've been in the same situation. i didnt even mention every body hitting you up for nugs the day after. that pretty much the only benefit. if your slang'in or if you have no friends and like leeches </IMG>
  15. Stoners With Guns

    Time Stops At Grand Central Station

    i totaly would be feeling some huge ass tittys....until she broke charicter. :-0
  16. Stoners With Guns

    Ive lost all my mates to cocaine

    fuck it dude, i was in/part of your situation not too long ago. i had to bail out of my living situation about a year ago. all I can do is stress the fact that nobody go's through their life getting blown every night and lives to talk about it. its a shity situation but the best you can do is...
  17. Stoners With Guns

    Going to California

    hahaha, thats cali for ya. were always suprised/stoked when it rains. were rain free down in SB but it was kinda windy and ugly today. where are you geting rained on?
  18. Stoners With Guns

    WTF Is That????

    its a grow room man. dont blow his cover
  19. Stoners With Guns


    hell ya man, pretty much all good metal comes from northern european countries. children of bodem is from finnland, in flames are from sweeden, demu borgier is from norway. theese three bands will change your life. oh'ya cali is prety much the greatest state ever conceived. come ou here and kick...
  20. Stoners With Guns

    Going to California

    if your ever as far south as Santa Barbara then hit me up. I take the train down to orange county about twice a month....fuck LA traffic. and ya its very scenic. the train i take is called the surf liner. it just cruses up and down the coast.