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  1. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Not my first grow in that closet, like I said, I've been focusing on my outdoor girl.
  2. D

    Male marijuana problem

    I guess I should just consider this grow a flop lol. Well at least my ghost og is doing good
  3. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Oh! My male is closest by my tower fan, it should be the last one with heat stress.
  4. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Ok, I think heat stress is more likely. I haven't been feeding these plants nutes as often as I normally do (hence the wire like stems). I guess my biggest inquiry is, do males take different care than females?
  5. D

    Male marijuana problem

    This was the top 4 I just hacked off thinking it was the height
  6. D

    Male marijuana problem

    It really doesn't like my pics, too large, but... I think I have identified the problem, it does look like a deficiency
  7. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Here are a few tops, and pics of the nodes, some of the fan leaf growth closer to the stem is also curling
  8. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Ok, will post when I get home. Sadly I've not been focusing on this indoor breeding grow as much as my outdoor grow. I am disappointed in myself.
  9. D

    Male marijuana problem

    *behind him is a cherry wine female
  10. D

    Male marijuana problem

    I don't think that's it, leaves are still soft, plus my females are closer. I have the lights set to the same height for par output (the one above the male is 8" higher). I have turned the cobs off on the one above the male, about a week ago, thinking the same thing, but it has not slowed the...
  11. D

    Male marijuana problem

    Is this over watering? I am following the same nutrients and watering cycle as my females but the boy is looking bad.