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  1. B

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    PLEASE. i have one nice lady hear, doing under the sun. Shes in the 4th week of flowering. And, i whant to know, is it worth, and possible (because of stress)..., to combine HPS (600w) and sun, (AND WHICH WAY IS THE BEST TO DO THIS??). She only has 4-5 weeks left?? ANYONE???
  2. B

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Can I move my plant to flower indoor, when she is already in the 4th week of flowering outdoor???
  3. B

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    FIRST TO SAY HELLO! AND BIG RESPECT FOR UNCLE BEN FOR SHARING ALL THE INFOS WITH US. Now I have some questions... I'm growing with HPS 600w. I topped my plants to get 4 colas. And they're just doing fine. Now they are in the flowering stage. 4th day. And I tied them up, on the side, just to get...
  4. B


    Hi there! I use H2O2. Liquid Oxygen. 17,5% from growth tehnology. And i put 1ml of oxygen on 2l of water. Or 5ml / 10l of water. And they are worrkin fine:leaf: peace