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  1. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

  2. N

    Light Cycles?

    So I am going to start my 12/12 light cycle tomorrow so the plant doesn't get to big. PLUS I WANT TO SEE IT FLOWER! It is currently under 4 x 100w CFL's, how close should the lights be to the plant. The are connected to a fixture that splits into two, and then I have 2 more that slpit from...
  3. N

    My Grow Box...

    So I said I was going to get the 400w HPS but after doing some thinking, I want to do my first grow cheap...Just to learn and because I don't have a lot of extra money right now. Instead I bought 4 x 100w CFL's...I will post pics soon. How close should these lights be from the plant?
  4. N

    Light Cycles?

    Yeah I always wondered about that...Why can't they give info over the phone? Is it apart of an agreement if they are licensed to sell medical marijuana?
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    Light Cycles?

    No...A friend actually picked it up from me.
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    Light Cycles?

    Now that I think about it...The club I went to was the Granada Hills club, the towns out here are so close I sometimes forget...
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    Light Cycles?

    Here is a pic of the plant before I transplanted it...
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    Light Cycles?

    From a club in is on Reseda Street right off the 118 freeway which is off the 405. It was only $20 bucks to!!!
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    Light Cycles?

    If I want to keep a relatively small plant, should I go ahead and get it on a 12/12 cycle now?
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    SEEDS for sell??? (USA)

    Question for "deesbarrett".... I got a clone from a club here in SoCal (Bubby Gum) and it is the same size as your plant in your avatar. How old is your plant so I can get an idea of my plants age and when to switch from VEG light cycle to a flowing cycle...So how old is your plant in your avatar?
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    SEEDS for sell??? (USA)

    I live in Union City!
  12. N

    Light Cycles?

    What should my ON/OFF light cycles be like? For VEG. and FLOWERING? When should I switch from VEG to FLOWERING light cycle? My Bubble Gum Clone is about a foot tall, the guy at the club said it should start flowering in 2 weeks if I switch the light cycle.
  13. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    I MADE ONE! I will get pictures up as soon as photobucket is working again :) IT IS NICE!
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    Does anyone know of a good "De-Odorizer"? I can smell the plant making my closet smell like weed and I want to reduce the smell...
  15. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    Does anyone know of a good DE-ODORIZER? I can already smell the plants GOODNESS if I open my closet.
  16. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    Oh Alright! We"ll I'd like to THANK EVERYONE who gave some input! I will keep everyone updates with how the grow box goes and how "Mrs." Bubble Gum is doing! :)
  17. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    +rep? Is that good? lol
  18. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    alright thanks so much!
  19. N

    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    I just watered it and it isn't under a light now, I am on my way to go get a 400w HPS, I just got it this morning.
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    250w HPS or 400w HPS for ONE PLANT?

    Here is the plant...How deep should I pant it since there is a lot of stem before the leaves since it was trimmed?