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  1. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Thanks I've boosted the filter up a little bit but going to look for better setup after this 1st run... So far so good.. I held off on Nutes as long as I could and took a little damage but everything running smoothly. Did figure out what the 2 clones are Seed I found in bag don't know what is...
  2. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    19 days into flowering ill work on better pictures next time. The big one on the left is the seed I found and growing great the other (far back) is the indica clone and seems to be doing well. The Sativa plant is struggling and didn't get any good pictures. Thanks to this site I figured...
  3. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Delicious seeds Cotton Candy

    Looks great... Grabbed some of these seeds a few days ago. Hope mine can look 1/2 as good as those.
  4. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Thanks @xMaYHeM and yes on my next grow I'm going to try some growing techniques I've found on here.. Not much to update flowering is going good and ill post pictures in the next couple of days. Sativa leafs have turned yellow but flowering still looks good so I'm not sweating it. OG Ghost...
  5. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    10 days into flowering. So far so good from what I can tell. Did have an accident... but got some help on here ( and she seems to be trucking along.. Got some seeds in.. going to try and crack OG Ghost X Animal Cookies
  6. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    venting exhaust out a fake window unit .......

    Some good ideas here much like justUgh said, but the wicker might be another option
  7. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Battle wound can it be saved?

    just a quick update: So far so good! she has made it thru her battle wound so far. Thanks again for the help on this as its my 1st grow and didn't want to overreact.
  8. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Battle wound can it be saved?

    Thanks Uncle Buck. Bacala, was in a rush to get pics as this is my 1st grow and wasn't sure if I had to do anything fast to fix it.. A branch did come off, but I'm not worried about that. What worried me was the rip that came out of the main stem due to the branch getting ripped off and that...
  9. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Battle wound can it be saved?

    Fan dropped ripped off stem. can the plant be saved? 1 week into flowering
  10. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Good news is the seed I found is a female !! so 3 females flowering. Started Nutes also... just adding 1.25ml of earth juice bloom with 32 floz 2 times a week (this combo puts my tap water at ph of 6.5) Final Setup:
  11. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Seeds for 2nd grow ever. Colorado

    Currently in my 1st few days of flowering my 1st grow.... 2 clones and 1 seed. Trying to plan ahead for my next grow and was wondering if any local places in Colorado offer good seeds or if anyone has suggestions from Dankteam site (being new now sure who the good companies are). I only plan...
  12. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Male or Female

    Thanks! I noticed those also but wasn't 100% sure and flowering with 2 clones so appreciate the help
  13. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Male or Female

    1st grow and have 1 plant from seed I'm trying to sex. It seems either to early or a female to me, but could use some help. Thanks
  14. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Ive learned my lesson and will go thru craiglists list in the future thats for sure.. Im always down to experiment with my lights and setup once I get my 1st successful grow under my belt.. Ive heard that about the bulbs also, but was not prepared as well as I should have been for the heat...
  15. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Hard to say since I added my filter and fan shortly after putting in the HPS, but for the little time I had it running with no fan the HPS did run a few degrees warmer. With no fan pushing out the hot air I had to keep both bulbs at 50% or temps would be 93+. Now with fan running HPS is...
  16. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Turned to flowering this morning.. Going to run lights off during the day to keep the heat down. threw in the HPS yesterday to get the plants use to it. Was able to run it at the full 600W at a temp of 86 thru the night. Im guessing my worry will be humidity during the flowering.
  17. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    getting ready to flower

    Getting ready to switch over to 12/12 Picstures here in my grow journal Should I switch from my MH to HPS for a few days before i switch to 12/12 or can I just go ahead and change lights and let it roll? Thanks
  18. Rocky MountainHigh Garden

    Found a seed planted it and now here I am

    Thanks went with 6inch and Im able to keep the room I'm venting in cool, but my tent won't support the carbon filter so going to have to build a support onto my tent... Any issue with setting the filter vertically on the ground next to the plants? Going to start flowering soon Any suggestions...