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    Rapid Rooters turning green... cause for concern?

    Pretty straight forward. Is that green shit out to kill my babies?
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    Do NOT buy from

    To my amazement, the credit posted to my account today. And for the shipping charges, restocking fees and whatever else, I'm only out $105. This matter is closed.
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    Do NOT buy from

    Your lil sis is either a 45 year old lifetime smoker or a 30 year old hooker by the sounds of her voice.
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    Do NOT buy from

    The sad thing is, verbal clues lead me to believe that that bitch -is- the manager or, maybe worse, the owner.
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    Do NOT buy from

    Thanks for the support. I hope to be the cause of making their name shit on these forums.
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    Do NOT buy from

    Without going into details (because I don't believe my blood pressure could bear it), Futuregarden is the worst experience I've ever had buying ANYTHING online. The broad strokes: shipped units incomplete with extremely poor documentation, twice they ignored my online request for parts (I...
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    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    I just had my first seedling die of damping off. I gave the little guy a lot of stress in the short experiment that was its life. He came from humble beginnings as bagseed from some of the nastiest schwag I've ever smoked. I disturbed its roots repeatedly early and often in attempts to learn...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hi, all. Working on my first grow, atm. *shrug* Just saying hi.
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    1st hydro grow Dinafem Roadrunner (auto)

    I too am germinating a freebie dinafem roadrunner at the moment so I'm watching your thread with great interest. A nice quick flowering plant would be nice to hold me over until the harvest of white widow and super lemon haze. This all will be my first grow. I've done my homework but I'm...
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    Tap root growing up through the surface!

    I think the point of major confusion is that the taproot first appears from the pointy end and naturally curls back towards the node. Basically taproot up or down can be dependent upon how far you allowed the taproot to grow in paper toweling. It is just more consistent to say pointed end of...