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  1. steve yo

    Topping vs. LST vs. Natural

    i topped every new node on one plant i had just to see what happened. wasn't a very desirable effect though. plants branches just became thin and fell over
  2. steve yo

    dealers, how do they make money

    yeah making money through drugs is easy
  3. steve yo

    iPhone App Testers / Growers Needed!!!

    I bought an iphone 4 and it has location services that some apps require to be turned on. it also remembers the Coordinates of photos i take and maps them on google maps.. it can be turned off, but if need be. i'm sure law enforcement can bypass it?
  4. steve yo

    Clones , not happy on the inside.

    Whats the temperature and humidity in your room? and how close is the light? and how have your watering cycles been? EDIT: Both 3 gallon plants are doing awesome, but both 1 gallon plants are curling? Possibly root-bound?
  5. steve yo

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    I prefer MG, i've not had a single problem ever.. just near harvest i put a lot of holes in the bottom of the pot and let the water flow through until i get no nutrients in the used water. then the MG isnt so hot anymore.
  6. steve yo

    DIY HPS Ballast

    It is a good deal. FYI you need to forget about those wire nuts they give you. Soldering is the only way to go. and after you solder use heat shrinks to seal the wires. And it definitely needs to have a grounded enclosure. but all this can be done at little costs.
  7. steve yo

    600w Alaskan Thunderfuck

    They need larger pots pretty badly
  8. steve yo

    Smelly's 12/12 From Seed Party Cup Grow!

    Just picked up 15 new outdoor dank seeds so i might give 2 of them a chance and try this. thanks for the inspiration smelly
  9. steve yo

    Is this somthing old or is this somthing new?

    Sunlight losses 50% of it's brightness and intensity after a 12 inch separation between the top of plants and lamp. So either way those bottom branches don't really soak up too much sun. but your headed in the right direction.. bending and twisting the stems to fit CFL's in between the branches...
  10. steve yo

    wierd seedling

    In my thread I ill post update pics on it. It decided to change Phyllotaxy on the 3rd stage leaves. It's growing alternating 180 degree pattern again after 3 sets of Whorled Phyllotaxy pattern leaves >Thread>>>...
  11. steve yo

    wierd seedling

    its a Whorled Phyllotaxy I have one too.
  12. steve yo

    Photo-shoot of my California Haze Mother Plant.

    Its cool guys I didn't want any comments anyway. Haha
  13. steve yo

    Photo-shoot of my California Haze Mother Plant.

    And she's one of 4 that are for cloning.
  14. steve yo

    Photo-shoot of my California Haze Mother Plant.

    ^1st Planted. 4 Females - 3 weeks old - 400 watt HPS Upgrade(1 week) - and an arsenal of nutes.
  15. steve yo

    FIRST GROW - More Then I Can Handle

    Subbed.. dude...
  16. steve yo

    Nitrogen deficiency? probably....!PIC!(s)

    yeah dude thats not a nutrient deficiency, your cotyledons are yellow and your 1st stages are yellow, but from the pics it looks like 2nd and 3rd are healthy. Try giving them 18/6 and some lite LIQUID nutrients for another 2 weeks. only nute once or twice in those 2 weeks though. Oh and for...
  17. steve yo

    Sick plant possibly nitrogen toxicity?

    Dark green leaves + Nutrient burn = over Nute.
  18. steve yo

    Beautiful Ice Plant at 55 days flowering, PICS

    your a very lucky man to have fine ladies such as that..
  19. steve yo

    grow in october

    chances are it wont have the veg to support flowering... small immature leaves most likely wont do it. but i'd go for it anyway, its already past the awful seedling stage, so see what happens? + Indica are more cold hardy than sativa anyway... + you said you had a shelter for it? Throw an...
  20. steve yo

    Whorled Phyllotaxy.. Sexy Photo of the "lady" inside ;)

    Alternate, opposite, or whorled are all terms for various types of leaf arrangements on a stem, which is also known as PHYLLOTAXY. Plants with alternate leaves have a single leaf at each node. Plants with whorled leaves have 3 or more leaves around the stem at each node. So thats whats going...