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  1. D

    Harvested Tonight...

    *wheels up in my wheelchair waving my walking stick mumbling obscenities*
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    What Time To Harvest

    Well its comming to that time to harvest and i have the date set. My question is what is the best time to harvest (ie. when the lights go on, when the lights are to go off) As there is alot of bullshit theories its hard to derive the proven methods from bullshit (ie. the pointless leaving in...
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    Bud Help

    - 7th week flowering , soil , cfl Well its been like this for a couple of days, but im getting worried basically the top of the bud/leaves are browning up. i thought it might be cause its too close to the light so i moved it and i cut of the little bit of the bud but now it looks worse. im...
  4. D

    Fucking hell!!!! Heelllppp needed now!!!!!!

    Fucking lol. bad luck, but made many a laugh.
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    Anyone Song That Gets You Strangely Absorbed When You're High?

    Britney Spears - Gimme Moar. *keeps straight face*
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    Grow Box - Mirrors?

    Mirrors do not reflect. causing heat spots which is bad the same for alluminum foil. Use white paint. or get some mylar.
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    cfl= good choice

    Not enough money for expensive lighting = cfls = dank weed
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    My Ghetto Veg box.....

    cardboard box = fire hazard
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    Couple Of Qs

    Well my timer broke, currently on 12/12 (in third week) so i have to do manually for the mean while before i can get a new mech timer. my question is (due to life) i will have one day where i have to turn on the lights early, so how will it effect my plant if i turn the lights on a couple...
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    Any cheap, effective methods for smell

    Lol this happend to me as well when i was living with a friend, had to put a blanket on the plant , they asked if there was any light in the room..... lol had to explain that the light was broken, about four of them comming in and out for a short peroid of time :roll:
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    Will this grow?

    Yeah HID lights are out of the question for size , money , heat , stealth ect. what i got now is pretty bad, and has alot of heat as well, going to ditch it when im able to find some Y adapters (the hardware stores here in oz are bad imo, but ill go to somewhere better next time). Anyway...
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    Will this grow?

    Just wondering if this will be okay to grow with. I have already germinated seeds under a small spiral cfl and i picked up this as this was the only thing i could find (hardware store didnt have a great range, and alot were way too big), and that would fit into my cupboard, 55cm width It is a...
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    retard seedling?

    hahahaha love how you've named them after the politicians over there, obama might be retarteded now but hes probally going to win...... ;)
  14. D

    Stoned Morning

    Hello all, Started my first grow now. using cfl tubes / cupboard. been away from the net for far too long, i was devestated when i found out about overgrow :cry: but found this site which has a good community, been looking the forums and im going to be really happy here :twisted: Peace