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  1. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    Nice, NOT 4.0 or 10.5 is good to hear haha
  2. Huflungpoo

    White patches on late flowering buds?? Light burn? [Pics included]

    [BQUOTE="amicustoast, post: 15926398, member: 1064867"] You're right- I've never switched a plant from outdoor to indoor &I'm definitely still surprised that they hung on this long. I threw away the affected buds and im harvesting now- wish me luck! Mhmm, that's a daunting change to make...
  3. Huflungpoo

    Lux with Quantum board in veg

    If you have a lux meter, plants can veg out pretty great at 25000 lux. I save 60,000 and higher for flower. Just because of electricity costs.
  4. Huflungpoo

    Need help, please!

    Looks really great to be honest. Better than most people's backyard outdoor. Looks like a great strain too. If you don't have a jewelers loupe to get a closer look at the color of the trichomes, I'd say you can safely give it the chop any day now.
  5. Huflungpoo

    White patches on late flowering buds?? Light burn? [Pics included]

    the switch of lighting and environments is a heavy duty stressor.... but that looks like powdery mildew to me.
  6. Huflungpoo

    Code RED Need Help BAD

    it's tough to say what to do. the first set of pics you posted looks pretty bad. the second set looks a little more save worthy. as for the Reveg, I've always found that to be a serious setback and only worthy for those situations where you're trying to save a strain or if the plant is still...
  7. Huflungpoo

    Code RED Need Help BAD

    I'd say let them finish? The flowers look like 5 or 6 weeks along, I'd take it easy on feed for a week and let them ride it out. Sure, yields may be diminished but they don't look completely dead. Maybe that ONE does haha. The less mature ones already have a lot of veg time behind them...
  8. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    Coming from hydroponics to soil... I feel like a lunatic saying this, but I've never checked the PH in any of my tea's. EDIT*** with all this being said, I'm not a scientist and the subject of compost teas altogether is a very controversial topic. Some Ppl say they are bullshit and others swear...
  9. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    if anyone else would like to chime in here, I'd be interested to hear what they have to say as well. I do not ph my tea, not before or after brewing. I will ph on regular waterings in between using tea's, if the water is higher than 6.5-7.0. 7.0... with the good good soil, I leave it as is...
  10. Huflungpoo

    Mix for clones

    I normally have success with basically the same thing you just explained... Looking okay so far on your end? I usually go straight into a cup with straight promix and endo innocuolant... or 50/50 mix promix with my soil-mix in a 1 gallon with endo innoculant.
  11. Huflungpoo

    Question about compost

    Just a 3rd opinion, I agree with everything posted above. Find a good local compost if you can. I know there are a handful of guys within an hour or two of me that do make a reliably sourced conpost... I never knew they existed until I started talking to local gardeners. otherwise there's a...
  12. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    yeeeah, I'd love to know if the more foam truly is better or worse... but thst info simply doesn't really seem to be out there. I've run the snake for 20 hours with veyr little foam then added the air stone for the last 6 hours and watched the foam bubble over the bucket.
  13. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    from what I've gathered online, people used to say the foam is a good indicator of a lively tea. but it seems like that train of thought didn't really have anything backing it up. so now, people seem to say the foam is not an indication of anything definitively good or bad. the best answer...
  14. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    Normally I'd remove the air stones from the compost tea bucket and place them in another bucket with clean water. Keep the air pump on and lightly scrub the stones with a brush to get the compost and other goodies or baddies off... If you take your wooden spoon or whatever and stir the tea...
  15. Huflungpoo

    Compost tea help

    I've noticed that the air stones create way more foam than something like a snake does. EDIT***Perhaps something to do with the size of the bubbles. Snake creates larges bubbles. That sounds like loads of foam but no one really has a definitive answer whether the foam is a good or bad...
  16. Huflungpoo

    Trichoderma Harzianum visible on surface?

    Right on good to know, thank you. Interesting about the barley too... some of my karanja cakes resurfaced. Was also considering they might be a key factor in the new mycelium growth.
  17. Huflungpoo

    Trichoderma Harzianum visible on surface?

    Hi guys and gals, I watered in some Trichoderma Harzianum yesterday and am seeing mycellial growth of some sort on the surface of my soil already. Anyone have first hand experience with trichoderma harzianum and white mycellial growth? Is it really going to be visible as green when it...
  18. Huflungpoo

    Clove Oil Recipe?

    Hey everyone! Hoping to make a clove oil spray. Does anyone know how many ml. clove oil to 1 litre of water... or gallon, whatever you like haha. I'd likely be adding a few ml. of Castille soap as well. any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  19. Huflungpoo

    Best&Worst Barney's Farm strain review

    Critical Kush - 1 in and 1 out... Overall, consistent and good quality. Out - Topped w/ longer veg. In - Topped w/ 1 round of LST. Nearly identical. Same branching habits and bud formation, same aroma and appearance, flowering stretch - 2X at most, extremely similar final. Not much for...