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  1. R

    light light lights.

    oh cool, i was bare worried for a second. thanks alot.
  2. R

    light light lights.

    thx for the help. here ius another problem however. my plants leaves are poiting upwards. i have a very good idea to know thats bad, so what should i do?
  3. R

    light light lights.

    well i was intentionally only going to be growing about 2, but im now growing 8. (its a long story which i cnt be bothered to explain, plus its not very relevant as to why im growing 8, just the fact that i am). they look like this...
  4. R

    light light lights.

    thing is i live in London. we aint got walmart or anything like that. lol
  5. R

    light light lights.

    but do u think that the 60w im using now is goin to dmg my plants?
  6. R

    light light lights.

    thanks man. i baaaaaaare feel like a noob on this site and ur one of the first to reply to one of my threads. im from Uk btw, london.
  7. R

    light light lights.

    safe guys, i just want some good advise on lights. im not really to sure what i should be usin, atm i just got like a standard 60w lamp aimed at my plants (before u all start calling me some kinda retarded noob or summin, fine i am, because i aint gunna lie, i dont have a clue what lights to...
  8. R

    Welcome New Members!

    safe guys im new and im from the uk (london) and ive already set up a thread. got 18 views but no replies! its just a thread asking for any tips on growing ur first plant indoors. i have 8 plants growing. i planted 4 in the same fairly reasonable size pot last saturday, the 11th of oct, and the...
  9. R

    Im on my first plant, but im just a casual grower, not serious. Anyone got any tips?

    Im on my first plant and i was just wondering if anyone had any vital tips for me. Its a long story but ive actually got 8 plants going at once, which wasnt the intention. 4 are in one pot, and 4 in another. the pots are of reasonable size so there is no worrying yet, but at whats stage should i...