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  1. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    i aint arsed about the birth control thing was just saying for the guys first question. will look more thorough in future tho. thanks
  2. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    heard of that aswell mate, wateva works eh! im just trying to keep these clones alive, little buggers. also have a 2ft er in greenhouse that looks good, but am going to try aeroponics this time with the cuttings. told it much quicker... any views?
  3. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    i aint tried it either, dont want to use one of her pills anyway... dont want no more little people running around, got 2already and they more than enuf lol. it was just in his top tips that was all. im growing clones now anyway so no dicking around here...
  4. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    try it dude, mite work but as i said i aint tried it just read it. let me know wat you think... or check out the book, loads of tips and hints plus great pics
  5. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    weasel, have you read about this pill shit? i aint tried it but sounds crazy...NO
  6. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    my girlfiend has them but dont know were you can get it... does no girls you know that take the pill? if not there must be loads of kids in your area man.
  7. B

    Are you fucking serious?

    i read in a book by jeff ditchfield that if you put a conticeptive pill in water and desolve it then drop your seeds in there is a better chance of them becoming female... bit far fetched but he knows what he talking about... the book is called cannabis cultivator by jeffery ditchfield... great...
  8. B

    what do i do?

    sorry, another question here... one of the clones is a bit droopy, will she pick up on her own or is there sumthing i can do to perk her up or is she dying? will post sum pics later 4u... somebody told me they sometimes droop alittle then pick up... hope so, thanks and:peace:
  9. B

    what do i do?

    ok thanks guys, there is that many people saying to do so many different things, its crazy. will take lid off 4 a bit and keep misting them. thanks lads...
  10. B

    what do i do?

    ok twiz will do, i left them overnite and there aint much condensation on the hood. how can i jak up the humidity? any ideas as it dosent seem to be very humid. my mate said to put some hot water in the box and that shud get it steamy... is he talking shit or will this work? thanks in advance...
  11. B

    what do i do?

    yeah they fresh clones i got yesterday... thanx man!
  12. B

    what do i do?

    nice setup epix, i aint got no room 4that shit tho... pity. ok man keep the humidity up yeah and mist them regular? i got them in a upsidedown clear plastic box with a grolux fluro on them will this be ok? thanks for the help dude.
  13. B

    what do i do?

    yeah sorry about that. rite i grown from seed in soil recently but my m8 grows with aeroponics and gets much quicker results. he has just gone on holliday for 2weeks and when he gets back he will set me up with a bubbler. my question is what conditions are best to keep the clones in... i.e...
  14. B

    what do i do?

    hey, i just got 4 clones from a friend and want to know what temps and environment they should be kept? i have them in rockwool which was pre-soaked. were thinking of going aeroponics... any suggetions on the subject? thanks in advance..:peace::?
  15. B

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    how old were they? what lights do you have on them?
  16. B

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    dont have a clue what strain, i got the seeds from a mate in spain, he been growing for years and the weed is good. i just thought it was slow, guess not.
  17. B

    small slow plants

    started 12/12, i knw its small but i am getting sum clones from a mate next week so just started flowering this dwarf and its grown quite a bit, im using a 600w hps and the heat is high. i got the temps down to 78, is that ok? i dont have ventilation so opening the door is my ony option, but...
  18. B

    small slow plants

    light is 1.5-2ft above plant and lights on 18/6 so light times shud be ok. what do you think; heres sum pics :peace:
  19. B

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hi is this plant small for 4weeks? it seems small.
  20. B

    small slow plants

    :joint: fed her last nite 1/4 strength baby bio multigrow, hope this stuff is ok for her. my mate has used this in past and says its ok but you never know, will just have to see. thanks for your help E-RIDER:peace: