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  1. G

    My First Grow with cfl's

    I look forward to the journal bro, sounds like a tasty treat just waiting to be grown. Just stoppin by to bless the baby buddha bearers. I picked up some of that fox farms ocean forest stuff....jesus mary what a difference.
  2. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    always being high and forgetting pics.....
  3. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Mom should be much happier, as should the cuttings (If they make it! 2 look good, other two I'm not sure) Got myself a PH test kit and holy shit!! My fucking tap water had a ph of 8.0 after being ran for 10 mins...this is no wonder why my plant hasn't been doing what I want it to do. So...
  4. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Well here's a quick update. Things have progressed a little bit, nothing really new an exciting. Lots of hairs popping up and I'm getting a good idea of exactly where this mama is gonna bud up from. It's a shame she got so fucked up by nature in the beginning, she'd have been a beautiful plant...
  5. G

    Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones

    And that's what we're waiting to find out haha. My poor lil plant, barely enough to even take a clipping and I still snip her. Pics soon to come!
  6. G

    Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones

    Hey thanks Doc, I appreciate that. Yeah, if these clones take off they are going into some high quality soil. No mistakes on these babies!!(Well, hopefully) On a side note, my cuttings are greener today than when I put them in yesterday. So this is a good sign! I'll post pics in a little while...
  7. G

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    I found superthrive at my local OSH. Not sure if you have those out there. If not....I'm sure HTGsupply could hook you up. Good luck with the ladies.
  8. G

    Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones

    Yeah, she pretty much got fucked up lol. She was started outside from just a bagseed, about a month in she I overwatered the shit out of her, and she also got attacked by an insect of some sort; ate her to death =( So I was forced to give her a fat chop. They probably would have grown back, had...
  9. G

    Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones

    Hey thanks blinks, I appreciate your input. The reason the cuttings are so small is this: I made many mistakes with the mama plant, so I didn't really have many good places to take cuttings from. Take a loot at the first pic, if u see any decent places let me know. The second pic is the...
  10. G

    Geesh's Grow Journal-Trainwreck Clones

    Greetings all, after spending much time of these forums, I've decided to start my own grow journal! I have a female plant that is just about two weeks into flowering. She's doing well, but I've made many mistakes along the way. I decided to give cloning a shot and took 4 cuttings from her. I...
  11. G

    21k lumens using 42 watt cfls

    From what I've read on these forums, lumens do NOT add. Several tests have been made using varying lumen outputs from different lights. One gent on here even took two 1600 Lumen CFL's, and put them in a million different positions. He used a light meter to measure from each one....Low and...
  12. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Haha, yes it is quite addicting. If I weren't moving in a month, I'd actually have built a cabinet. I've gotten lots of great ideas from this site, and definitely plan on doing a full grow journal when I move into my next place. I'll keep this post updated as a semi journal, but not too many...
  13. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Went to town today, although my box is still made...of boxes, I think I've done quite a good job setting it up for what I have. Used Emergency blankets to line the insides, and am using 6x23 watt CFL's @ 2700k and 1 45 watt CFL @ 2700k. I've got another light and more bulbs, but this feels like...
  14. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Doh, forgot pic.... that blunt is taking effect eh? lol
  15. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Got some new goodies today, should be a fun day tomorrow! Ugh, can't disturb the plants sleep....but goodness the suspense to re-do everything is harsh!:joint:
  16. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    No helpful advice? We had a nice photoshoot today just so the plant could make it's first appearance to the public. She wants to know what you think!
  17. G

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    Greetings folks, just wanted to share with you a few pics of my "friends" setup. To be upfront, the plant was started from a bagseed (trainwreck from the beautiful Humboldt California). It was planted in standard miracle grow potting soil. The seed germinated on it's on with no assistance...