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  1. Riggzy

    Blue cheese - how long left approx please guys :) (pics)

    Blue Cheese is a 60 day plant...been growin it for years
  2. Riggzy

    3rd Grow, 1000 watt HPS. One Pound or Bust

    dude give it up.... i was expecting monsters after 57 days of might have a pound of leaf.......and couple 0z of bud...
  3. Riggzy

    2 400 Watt Hps vs. 1 1,000 Watt Hps

    grow cab size is 4' x 4' 6"... do you think 2 400's will cover the space better and i could get the lights close to the plants(110,000lumens)..or 1 1,000 watt hps(140,000 lumens)..obviously one would think hey its a no brainer go with the 1,000 watter,but with the distance you have to keep them...
  4. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    cool deal bro...i would definetly get side lighting...other than that,just stick with'll get it right...
  5. Riggzy

    55b's Bagseed Grow. 150w HPS.

    good job keep it up....i would just cool it with the nutes in the begining.....they really don't need much but water for the first 15 days after they take root,then i would do 1/2 strength nutes for the 1st nute feed..lst'ing the plants is def. the way to go...i do on all my grows and i get...
  6. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Could be the distance of your light to the plant,could be the strain,could be your feeding schedule,could be your enviorment,could be your nutes...(see what i'm getting at)..what kind of water are you using? my friend had big problems with his buds being "airy" because he was using his well...
  7. Riggzy

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    Oh yeah... During Veg i used liquid sea weed in my foilage sprayer..just a couple of drops to your sprayer with water when you foilar feed and the plants love has little micro nutrients that the leaves and stems love... i highly recomend it...i stop using it a week into flowring.. i don't...
  8. Riggzy

    Welcome!!! ONLY Miracle Growers are Allowed.. Everybody else?...go play on a highway

    Ah ha I finally found a good miracle grow thread.... i have to admit i use promix soil, because i was taught by a good friend on how to grow weed and what can i say thats what he uses and he gets awesome results with it along with BC nutes Grow,Boost, while i started a garden with him...
  9. Riggzy

    Miracle grow organic potting soil????

    I have used miracle grow potting soil for my bag seed grows and i never have any problems...i mix mine 2 parts MG potting soil.. 3 parts peat moss.. and 3 parts perlite..and i make my own ghetto pro-mix...i gotta say it works good for me...the only thing with MG is people way over water.. not...
  10. Riggzy

    1st Grow Indoor stealth box 5 plants

    Dude...Ditch all that crap you are using and get a 250 watt convertible mh/ box is 3x3x4 and if you do it right with a good intake and outake your results will be twice as good...use your cfl's for side lighting... i'm having a hard time figuring out why your temps are so high in the...
  11. Riggzy

    Home made cabinet for 1st CFL grow!!

    Bro.. i was doing what you were and i always said i didn't have the money..or thought my temps would be too hot...finally i broke down one day took a shot and bought a hydrofarm 250 watt MH/hps convertible ballast fixtureit's the best thing i ever did!!($269.00+bulb)...its a all in one unit with...
  12. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    currently growin 6 in lst under 250 watt and 6 42 watt cfl's and i think i'm gonna pull it off. 4 blue cheese, 1 northen lights ,and 1 skunk#1 and indica mix..we call it 50/50..i'm in week 5 of veg from clone..and about to turn therm over on 12/12 this far about half my area is...
  13. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Nice!!keep it rockin...i got 6 in my lst grow..its gonna be hairy...its about i'll definatly fill that up..good grow again and peace out!!:bigjoint:
  14. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    looks good my many are in there looks like 6 at least??..i'm doing 6 in an lst grow..there real small right now i just bent them over and tied them today..i'll post some pics when the side growth starts to explode..your grow is awesome though i'm impressed..should get a good yield off...
  15. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    That yellowing looks pretty normanl to me, some strains just yellow more than others...other than that its a great grow...those yellowing leaves are the older fan leaves that are not being used anymore..the plant has concentrated on making buds and those leaves are gonna probably dry up and...
  16. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Nice Grow my man looks real good...i would say about 1.5 to 2 oz maybe..I have pretty much just lst'd under a 250hps. because light penetration is lost after 16" on a 250 watt..those 2 ladies are pretty tall i would either tie them down or get some cfl side lighting to help with the yield...i'm...
  17. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I heard pollen in an outside garden can travel as far as a 1/2 i wouldn't even take a chance..i'd get rid of it:hug:
  18. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hew wretched.. thats a good web-site you turned us on to there they have good prices on convertible that i bought at my local hydroponic store was $100.00 cheaper on that site..the only thing though i don't mind paying more if i can get it for cash and no record of anything...
  19. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks bro.. as far as the foot picture goes the bud was right at my foot and i noticed it was as long as my foot . so i grabbed the camera and the rest is history...a great moment in 250 growing history!!lol what can i say .. as far as veg time.. well lets just say 2 weeks for clones to...