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  1. Don Of The Kron

    Incense "legal weed"?

    but dude this is what im saying, its legal. no THC. now dont get me wrong i love the green but its for like people in the military or probation lol. Keep people out of jail
  2. Don Of The Kron

    Best way that you have found to make hash?

    hmm..seems alittle complicated but i might try it
  3. Don Of The Kron

    3 week old plant

    yes nice plants maybe move the light a bit closer
  4. Don Of The Kron

    wtf is that smell?

    Shit Happens...
  5. Don Of The Kron

    Incense "legal weed"?

    nah i smoke salvia that is some lame overpriced chemical that last 5 mins the stuff im talking about lasts about 5-7 hours for 1 bowl its more of a head high makes me good at bowling lol bowled a 201 yesterday :)
  6. Don Of The Kron

    Incense "legal weed"?

    any u guys got any info?
  7. Don Of The Kron

    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    Oh yes u better believe if i knew who they were.... haha been there
  8. Don Of The Kron

    GanjaFarmers09grow 5 out of 7 stolen..

    Ya i definatly feel you i got 2 6 ft plants stolen back in highschool. Live and Learn.
  9. Don Of The Kron

    What do you HATE most about human kind?

    Ignorance pisses me off, learn about something before u make an opinion!
  10. Don Of The Kron

    Incense "legal weed"?

    but its funny to me it kinda seems that the government found a way to legalize because it looks just like broken up weed with no seeds and gets you high haha
  11. Don Of The Kron

    Incense "legal weed"?

    Well im in the military(dumb mistake) anyway i do smoke but at the same time we get random piss tests, so i try to stick to other things, but then my buddie told me about this stuff they sell at the local head shop called spike 99 or diamond and says it has no THC i have smoked it a few times...
  12. Don Of The Kron

    Me with my girls

    Very nice crop u got goin there, where do u live to be able to grow all that, if u dont mind me asking
  13. Don Of The Kron

    Male plant, what to do?

    yea dude pull the male out
  14. Don Of The Kron

    HELP!!! Budding Plants DYING!

    You shouldn't have brought them inside, that is a very big change in climate and the plants can't handle that sudden change especially because they are not young plants, im not sure if u put them back outside that they will heal, unless u got a reason why you can't.
  15. Don Of The Kron

    :Joint: Tokin'

    Seems like a nice community, I might stick around.
  16. Don Of The Kron

    Tylenol with codeine

    It wont hurt you, they just lose the effect after a long period of time.