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  1. M

    anyone know anything about using bat shit as a fert?

    would use during veg mostly...mix into soil or beter yet brew a tea
  2. M

    Pot size...transplant?

    put them into 3gallon or better yet 5 gallon buckets
  3. M

    how many weeks till yours turned amber?

    just doing alittle research... how many weeks till your trichomes turned amber? please state strain also (sativa or indica or mostly, you get my drift)....
  4. M

    Curing In Jar But Still VERY DRYY...Tips Please

    lol...i have done this...
  5. M

    Flushing soil

    from what i have read you should use 3 times amt of water than the size of the container you are using to grow in.
  6. M


    hoping mine dont taste like fish emulsion...mine is 5-1-1
  7. M

    Day 19 Flowering - How Are My Girls?

    looking good, how tall are they both?
  8. M

    Help selecting a grow medium please

    i was in a similar situation as yourself...not too many options as to where i could go. i found some medium soil and mixed with perlite. i wish i could of found some worm castings to mix in too.
  9. M

    First Grow w/ Unknown seeds

    sorry about your luck, but atleast you'll learn from it on to the next grow....good luck
  10. M

    seed question...hermie related

    if a hermie seed is used it will most likely be hermie too, right? so if i used seeds from a bag i got of some nice buds but there were seeds in it.......they were hermie seeds???? someone please clarify...thanks
  11. M

    From Outdoors to Indoors

    hey i am going through the same i started mine outside and recently moved them inside i hope i dont get hermies.....
  12. M

    plants are turning yellowish and the growth is slowing down...what does this mean????

    i am by far no expert, but i would have to guess NO dont rip off the yellow leaves more than likely it has something to do with the nutes might wanna only use half of recommended use at first then move up but like i said i am no expert
  13. M

    Hello All Newbie From The East Coast Here

    thanks for the warm welcome
  14. M

    How to change the PH

    i picked up some stuff at local pet store used to change ph in water. paid alittle over $5 for 2 bottles on that raises ph and one that lowers it. also came with ph tester.
  15. M

    Hello All Newbie From The East Coast Here

    hello all newbie here from PA currently indoor...1st timer helpful tips are always welcomed
  16. M

    1st time growing 27 days mh.

    so this is what you got after 27 days of veg? i just started mine under MH about 3 days ago is this what i can expect growth wise?