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  1. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Well here it is! Not what I expected. But I'll take it! Might have got 1/1/2 to 2 ozs?? Idk we shall see. Anyways it smells and looks fuckin awsome! Smokes great tho I tasted a little sample and WOW! Better than what you can get your hands on around these parts these days! So all in all. Great...
  2. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Oh hell yeah super sativa! Idk what the hell I got here?? My buddy gave these seeds to me and told me they were some kind of Blueberry? Idk tho. I dont plan on jumpin the gun and hackin em down yet. I'm keeping a real close eye on them tho. Still clear but startin to get cloudy. I was really...
  3. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    10 weeks 2 days into flowering. I took a look w the scope and everything was pretty clear the other day. But today things are gettin real cloudy! So soon:bigjoint:!!!!
  4. GrassMan357

    Can I flower with 5000K lights ?

    I have seen it done. You'll get all kinds of different answers about this. Some people like to mix it up some do the 5500-6500 veg and 2700k for flower. Or some people just get lucky and do it all wrong and it still works out. Just remember you are trying to recreate mother nature indoors. And...
  5. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Well Thank You! I hope the tatse and smoke as good as they look?! The sick one was way premie but after it dries it smoked not too bad! Better than the poo on the streets of DET! LMAO! WHat the hells a guy gotta do to get some more comments around here? I know I havent kept up that good but I...
  6. GrassMan357

    Slinger36s The Church CFL Journal (PICS!)

    Just wanted to stop by and check ya out! Thanks for stoppin by mine and thanks for your 2 words! LMAO! But you seem to have a hell of a specimen on your hands too! Looks super indica?! Thought mine were till I started to flower and then wham! Super tall sativas! Oh well I like em all! ANyways I...
  7. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Sorry pics wouldnt upload. So here ya go! Tell me what you think??
  8. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Ok heres some more pics! I had to sacrafice the one that was sick. I wanted to make the best out of the 2 that were healthy. So here they are! Nine weeks and two days into flowering. I have been flushing w straight water for the past week. How close you think I am?? I'm gonna take a look w a...
  9. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Heres a few more pics I just took. You can see the difference between all three in the pics. Still wonderin whats goin on with the curled under leaves on the one?? And a little light on the buds?? What do you think?? How close am I? Guess on a yeild??LOL stupid queston I know but damn. And any...
  10. GrassMan357

    To Flower or Not to flower, That is my question?

    I would say yes! I am on my first indoor grow and 8 weeks into flower. And oh boy did I get a suprise! I flowered at 6-8 inches and ended up with 4' tall girls. Not that I am complaining but if space is an issue start now! I guess that would also depend on the strain and its genetics? But be...
  11. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    A few more things and questions. The tallest plant seems to be way behind? It has just started to really start putting on mass and most of the pistils are white still. Where the other 2 are most red or orange and have much more mass.I'm thinkin that one might stay in for an extra week or two...
  12. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Ok so I suck! I havent posted in a while and my how things have changed! LMAO! Everything I was tryin not to do happened. Well kinda. I ended up with 3 females that have been healthy up till this point. They are still good but just a few issues with one and some questions about the others. So...
  13. GrassMan357

    Enough 6500k?

    Defiently enough to get you goin. I started with 3 26w 5500k added 2 more. And now I'm flowering with 10 26w 2500k. My sapce is roughly 5'x2' so thats 10 sq ft but only 2.5' tall so idk what factor the heigth plays but i've just been keeping the as close A.C.A.P without burnin them. Now their...
  14. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Well here they are! Lookin good don't you think? I must say so far I'm pleased with their progress but starting to get concerened about space. I know I said I was gonna get into some LST but their shape is so nice I dont want to mess with them. When do they stop growing up and just fill out...
  15. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Ok quick update I will do my best to ge pics up tonight. So I ended up with 3 females out of the bunch! Not bad 3 out a 4. I needed the space anyways. They have really filled out this past week! Short bushy and green as can be! Nice flowers starting this morning I'm excited to watch them grow...
  16. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Thanks! Ok so they showed themselves this morning! My male suspect was DAMN! Anyways hes got little clusters of Balls on the top few nodes. Hes outta of there! I needed some more room anyways. He was one of my favorites (super indica) I really wanted that one. O well. That much better for the...
  17. GrassMan357

    24/0 Good for CFL growing?

    I did 24/0 for three weeks and then to 18/6 and now on to 12/12! Anyways i had a small space to work with for my grow. So my thinking was that 24/0 would make them less likely to stretch for the light. I wanted short bushy plants and I got em! Check them out!
  18. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Shit 4 got these somehow!
  19. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Ok here ya go 10 days into flowering! Looking healthy but no signs of sex yet? I had a few suspects but it just ended up being new growth. One looks possible male to me not sure yet though. Hope they look good to you! So far I'm proud of how they turned out. Oh and the one thats all pruned up...
  20. GrassMan357

    First Indoor CFL Closet Set-Up

    Ok so I've been on 12/12 for 10 days now and no positive signs of sex? One with some real fine pistils that look familar but nothing yet? Any ideas on why? I'm gonna post some pics tomorrrow its lights out right now. EVerything is looking as healthy as ever and growing out of control! Should've...