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  1. Bore

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi I'm new today, happy Independance Day!
  2. Bore

    I found this..

    The article in the GrowFAQ seems pretty detailed so I think I'll go and do that soon.
  3. Bore

    I found this..

    Yeah, sounds like a good idea. We've been getting a lot of rain lately so I'm guessing that the plant is in pretty good health.
  4. Bore

    I found this..

    aight, my neighbor just sent me a text that said: w00t :) but yeah it was hidden off to the side so I wasn't sure and didn't want to be a thief or a snitch.
  5. Bore

    I found this..

    moral dilemma: I should ask my neighbors first they say no so far I need to say something to my landlord what if my neighbors were lying? what if it is someone elses weed? what do you guys think?
  6. Bore

    I found this..

    Yeah, he just sent me a text back (i'm away from my place) saying no, i'm just unsure what to do about it, cause I don't want anyone getting in trouble unless it's some random joker planting weed in our backyard. I don't want to bust them at all and don't intend to.
  7. Bore

    I found this..

    Yeah, I want to find out if it's my neighbors so I can get some from them :) Also I'm interested in growing my own anyways, maybe we can start a joint op lol.
  8. Bore

    I found this..

    I know he smokes cigs, but in my contract it says no illegal drugs LOL. hehe, the main thing though is I don't want to bone my neighbors upstairs if it isn't my landlord's, hypothetically if it is theirs I'd want them to know that they can trust me as a fellow pot smoker.
  9. Bore

    I found this..

    well i sent my neighbors upstairs a text to see if it was theirs, i was kind of vague, but they haven't replied yet. also it is my landlord's backyard.
  10. Bore

    I found this..

    I've never really seen a wild marijuana plant before so I can't say that I am %100 positive. I can check though, but I'm away from the house now.
  11. Bore

    I found this..

    Yeah, I was chillin with a friend in the backyard and we were looking in the bushes and were all like "wtf, marijuana?!" It was a good moment. Thanks for giving me a time frame.
  12. Bore

    I found this..

    Growing in the backyard of the unit i'm renting, I enjoy smoking so it was a pleasant surprise, but it doesn't look mature, the buds seem milky white and it is only about a foot tall, there are a few other smaller stalks. How and when should I harvest this?