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  1. F

    Need Help *PLEASE*

    I tried to take some closeups in macro mode but they all came out really blurry, camera really isn't the best but i am also terrible with it so it's most likley my doing. Yeah i was thinking another week, 2 weeks max. I just wanted some other opinions. This was my first grow and a really ghetto...
  2. F

    Need Help *PLEASE*

    Hey everybody i really need some help with this one. It's my first grow, i am using CFL's and started flowering sometime around a week before X-Mas. Sorry i forgot to write the date down :eyesmoke: The strongest microscope i could find anywhere is a 15X and i am having a really hard time seeing...
  3. F

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Hey can anybody tell about how much longer I have on this? It was put into 12/12 just before X-Mas, but i don't remember the exact date. Also its a CFL grow. Thanks for the help!