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  1. C

    Take a look at these need help please !

    well i was only using big bloom, once every other watering, however i do have tiger bloom but have not used it, should i maybe apply tiger bloom once a week ?
  2. C

    Take a look at these need help please !

    Okay so its my first grow and i am using MC soil ( never again ) and I am running 12/12 for about two half weeks. I am also using fox farms grow big, I am applying the light application one every other watering. At first my bottom leaves where turning yellow, and a few fell off, know all the...
  3. C

    whoops forgot to shut lights of know what !!!

    what kind of timers are you guys using? i have one and it sucks you have to be a master mind to work this thing !
  4. C

    whoops forgot to shut lights of know what !!!

    well i am two weeks into 12/12 and i left the lights on an hour to long to day, not sure what to do or what might happen. should i just turn them on a hour late in the morning or should i just turn them on at my normal start up time. any advise would be great !
  5. C

    Rasing ph levels with viniger

    look, i was not trying to be an ass but when ever a newbie ask a question we always get the use the search feature, not sure if you have tried this yourself but not much comes up at all. so i thought i would seek the advise of the experts, and still received vague answers. When you say add...
  6. C

    Rasing ph levels with viniger

    thanks for the helpul info, i did use it doesnt do anything for me nothing nada so thanks for your worthless help
  7. C

    Rasing ph levels with viniger

    how bought lime juice ?
  8. C

    Rasing ph levels with viniger

    What can i add that is easily accessible that will make it go up ?
  9. C

    Rasing ph levels with viniger

    So my ph is like 5.8 on the soil so i need to raise it how much viniger will i need to add per gallon of water ? Thanks for the help
  10. C

    Male or female sex please confirm my fears!

    Damn consider them gone, one left and its a female thank the lord at least i have one
  11. C

    Male or female sex please confirm my fears!

    Well these two look male to me can some one please confirm so i can trash these ones. Thanks
  12. C

    Whoops i scooped up my roots trying to test ph

    Well i got this really cool new ph tester, and i decide that i am going to scoop up a cup of soil run some water through it and test the ph, well when i scooped up the dirt i took a few of the roots with me that where at the top is my plant going to be dead come morning any help please !
  13. C

    First grow what the heck is wrong with these plants

    thank you for your help i have done a hand full of searches and can not find anything on how to adjust the ph levels, where can this be found or even better would you help me out and let me know what i can do to adjust the ph levels thanks
  14. C

    First grow what the heck is wrong with these plants

    thanks for all the help guys, how can i correct the PH levels, I am new to this whole thing so know very little about this. thanks for all the help
  15. C

    First grow what the heck is wrong with these plants

    Okay so this is my first indoor grow, this is what i am using i have three plants in mc soil , ( yes bad i know) ! I am using t5 lights that i am running 18 hours a day. These plants are so weird looking leafs look all retarded, but they just keep growing. Should i start 12 on and 12 off or...
  16. C

    what the hell nats in grow room !!!!

    okay so i have three plants going in soil and i have these little nats fruit flys every where what the heck do i do they are manly on the soil
  17. C

    Should i prun these bad boys ??????/

    Hi i have three plants and they seem to be doing well the leaves are huge should i trim some of these leaves and if so how should i go about doing so thanks for any info
  18. C

    Watering seems to be an issue some one help !!

    Hi, i have three plants, and i am using t5 lighting. They are getting 18 hours of light a day. However they seem to be droopy i am watering them once a day or every other day. I know i should not be watering everyday but when i do water i do not water heavy at all and come the next day the...
  19. C

    what do you think is wrong with my plant?

    i have plants that look just like this and they are only 4 weeks old, not sure what to do, and i am using ufo lights so it cant be heat, have you found out what it is yet?
  20. C

    Plant problem help me please some one !

    Okay so i have three plants going indoors, i am using two ufo lighting systems that are suppose to eaqual 400 a peace, i am running lights on 17 hours and 7 off, watering when soil drys up. I have one plant that the leaves are always poting down and the edges of the leaves are curling up under...