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  1. S

    yes...i grow with leds. :)

    Loki, is that a miniPC above the grow?
  2. S

    building a ph tester

    So after much deliberation, research, and some guessing, I've decided to buy one of those gel-filled probes and use the circuit designed here: pH Meter Circuit I've purchased all the parts and plan to set it up tonight or tomorrow, whenever I get some time. Assuming it works, it will become...
  3. S

    yes...i grow with leds. :)

    I basically took this idea: high power LED grow lights M.k2 and then modified it with 10 mm LEDs in the center, 5 mm leds on either side, and a bit of space between them and 4 1W high-power LEDs to allow for cooling. The HP LEDs are coming in tomorrow so when I wire everything up I'll post...
  4. S

    yes...i grow with leds. :)

    Whatever you do, build the lamps yourself, don't buy. It doesn't even really depend on skill level there are great tutorials out there for you to learn and the cost of pre-built lamps is staggering.
  5. S

    LED Lights??? Any opinions? I am thinking of starting an experiment

    I think it depends completely on the types of LEDs and the setup you are considering. For one, HPS has heat & power consumption issues that you simply don't run in to with any LEDs, even high-power 1-5W LEDs. I'm on my first grow with a combo of CFLs and LEDs (mixed high-power 1Ws and standard...
  6. S

    Whats wrong with tin foil?

    lol I actually thought about mirrors, but I think mirrors would have the potential to reflect so much light in targeted directions that they could burn/heat the leaves... I suppose it's unlikely unless they are bent or angled, but still.... You could pick up a few of those big full door mirrors...
  7. S

    Whats wrong with tin foil?

    the white drawer liner from walmart is 2.88 (gotta love those odd number prices) a roll for a massive amount (for my size, that is...), i forget exactly but I think its over 18" by 25'...seems to work quite well for reflection. I went to find emergency blankets at walmart today but...
  8. S

    Computer power supply mod (12v/5v/3v)

    Agreed. However, they do explain how to discharge it relatively safely using the 10W resistor in the above article, so that should remove some of the danger. I found it relatively easy after reading that article to dissect the power supply, modify it as necessary to safely connect power to my...
  9. S

    DIY humidity reader?

    for around 12 bucks I bought one from lowe's that reads humidity and indoor/outdoor temps (one at the unit itself, the other at the end of it's wired probe). It was worth it just to have an easy way to read the data on a digital LCD.
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    Grow Software

    I'm in the process of doing this, waiting on relays and some other parts based on what I pieced together from automatic sprinkler systems and other similar DIY projects. I'll post the completed setup if it all works.. I see this as really a side project to the growing though, and not a...
  11. S

    building a ph tester

    I'm thinking of tackling this soon, and if I'm successful I'll post pics. The other things I'm planning for my small grow are: A relay board for fans, temp, pH monitoring/adjustment, nutrient dosing and lights all controlled by a near-by PC that handles timing and graphing historical data...
  12. S

    Computer power supply mod (12v/5v/3v)

    I used this article for help, good pics/information... How to Convert a Computer ATX Power Supply to a Lab Power Supply in 14 Steps - wikiHow