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  1. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    It took about seven 50 liter bags. I get them at a local hydro shop.
  2. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I'm going to start chopping today! I'll post some more pics tonight.
  3. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I used to use drip. Flood and drain just tuns out to be easier for me. My next table will be 2 feet longer (10 feet)
  4. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I get it local for about $25 a bag. Are you doing flood and drain? Drip? What size container or tray are you going to use?
  5. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    It is a pain in the ass to clean. The roots have such fine hairs that grow into the rocks. my 3x8 table takes 7 big bags to fill. I just buy new ones. If you are using a smaller area it wouldn't be that bad
  6. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I have never had any problems. I use 4 inch rockwool blocks in a bed of clay. The clay doesn't have salt , the salt build up would be from not flushing enough or way to much nutes
  7. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    Just a few days away from chopping the girls down. Everything came out great! Pic 24 is the buds from the lowest branch!
  8. N

    Using CO2 for pest control?

    My local hydro shop guy says that if you raise your ppm of co2 all the way to 5000 for about twenty minutes it will kill all pests. Anybody heard or tried this?
  9. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    Took some new pics today. I got a white fly issue but other than that everything is going good
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    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    No I don't prune this plant. It produces quality bud from top to bottom.
  11. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    These pics are from today. That makes it 2 weeks and a few days. I start my count the day I shut of the lights not when pistils first appear. I tried the "bug blood" this crop and I think it really helped. The pics kinda suck I take them with the lights on. The two close ups are clones i made...
  12. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I buy all my gear local. I do pay a little more but the shop I use really takes care of the customers. They handle all warranty issues for you. My ph meter went out of calibration and I just brought it to them and walked out the door with a brand new one. I'm lucky there are 8 hydro stores in...
  13. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I have never used Futurebright. I believe that lumatek is the best digital ballast on the market. My local hydro store quit stocking futurbright because so many got returned. However I'm sure plenty of people use them with no problems. I vent my cool tube with a 465cfm Can Fan and it still gets...
  14. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    A little more but close enough. I just realized that the title said a 3'x8"table it is 3 feet by 8 feet
  15. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    Not sure what they actually draw. They are the blue boxes hanging from the ceiling in one of the pics. They are 1000 watt Lumateck Digital ballasts with 1000 watt Hortalux bulbs. They are 240 volts so only draw 5 amps each
  16. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    I have two 1000 watt ballasts so it is a total of 2000 watts
  17. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    wait to You see the 60 inch tube on a light mover! Hopefully by next week
  18. N

    My new 3'x8" flood and drain

    These Pics are 1 week into budding 24 White Widow Clones vegged 5 weeks 3'X8' Home made flood and drain tray 60 inch Cool Tube with two 1000 Hortalux Bulbs and Lumatec ddigitail ballasts Co2 two tons of A/C Carbon Air Scrubber Advaced Nutreints Alot of work left to do but so far so good!
  19. N

    Need Help!

    I am growing "Big Bud" in rockwool using the general hydroponics flora nutes They are 4 weeks into budding I am getting browning on the edges of the fan leaves I am at 6.2 / 6.3 ph The ppm is 700-800 using the aggressive bloom ratios Any suggestions?