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  1. stamate

    Nirvana Northern Lights 7 weeks flowering? 3-4 days left?

    i start counting from the moment i put 12/12. i will wait a bit to see what happen. thx for the anwser:D
  2. stamate

    1 week until i finish but something went wrong

    air circulation yes but on that 6 day vacantion they were closed in that room without fresh air... usually i open the room windows every 1-2 day for fresh air, this it was the problem? just upper leaves are damaged , leaves from the down side are very healthy
  3. stamate

    1 week until i finish but something went wrong

    Hi guys i have 5 nirvana northern lights , until 4 week of flowering all was good but now ,on 7 week flowering my plants didn't make very nice buds, i dont know what did get wrong (I think the only thing wrong is tiohat I've been away from home six days and I have not watered at all, from what...
  4. stamate

    Nirvana Northern Lights 7 weeks flowering? 3-4 days left?

    and what do you mean ?? i have to wait?
  5. stamate

    Nirvana Northern Lights 7 weeks flowering? 3-4 days left?

    hi guys, i have 5 northern lights , in 7 weeks flowering under 600w , i look under a microscope , trichomes look 25% clear 75% cloudy, few more days are enough?
  6. stamate

    4 weeks in flowering, will they finish in another 4 weeks like normal NL?

    if low bud sites are smokeable and get me high , are good , i don't need the "bag-appeal" :D. thx all for the answers !
  7. stamate

    Noobie needs help please!

    his ph is good , i was thinking for soil.. when i sayit 6,5
  8. stamate

    Noobie needs help please!

    oh man sorry i didn't read with attention , now i see you grow in cana coco you're ph is okey ,first i was thinking you grow in soil, don't add any nutrients in water, eventually flush with just water. growth was better if you used soil for this 1st grow... what is youre temperature with lights...
  9. stamate

    4 weeks in flowering, will they finish in another 4 weeks like normal NL?

    thank you for comment but i didn't understand the last part "7 - 8oz might be a bit on the high side" , 7 oz will be too much or i can have 7 oz easy? sorry for my english
  10. stamate

    Noobie needs help please!

    the ph is too low , is need to be 6.5 and always add half of recomanded dose per litre of nutrients . i know you are upset , but start another grow right now , with 4 weeks of veging 24/24 , and in 3 month you will harvest. you have good lights !
  11. stamate

    4 weeks in flowering, will they finish in another 4 weeks like normal NL?

    just 3 weeks, i don't think so :)) but surely i want to finish them as soon as posible , it passed 2 month since i have them, it seems like a have them for 2 years
  12. stamate

    first time bagseed grow

    lost of time with this growing, but surely you make a basic ideea how to grow..
  13. stamate

    4 weeks in flowering, will they finish in another 4 weeks like normal NL?

    hi guys , i have 5 Northern lights in the 4 weeks flowering, (vegeg under 600w hps for 4 weeks)they look nice i think , under 600 w, in 1 square meter, in soil ,3 gallon each pot, ph always is 6.5 , using biobizz nutrients + LST method, what you think , they will finish in another 4 weeks? i...
  14. stamate

    Hps for veg???

    yeah , but in the first 2 weeks keep them at a very long distance from the bulb caz they will sufer from the high intensity , or leave gradually below the bulb, 2 cfl for 1st week will be pefect . those are my plants , fist few days under 50 w CFL an then HPS 24 /24, they have been suffered a...
  15. stamate

    Help! Calc Defeciency?

    i think you're right Torquemada, my plants start to have this issue in 4 weeks veg/1st week of flowering but i didn't do them anything , i just watered them with flowering nutes and the problem go further just a bit .
  16. stamate

    drying buds with a fan blowing on them for preventing mold?

    Hi guys, where i live i have a high humidity , and in places like edges of windows, bathroom a have a bit of mold but i clean weekly , because temperature of outside and from my house is very diffrent (cold outside, hot inside). My grow isnt affected , but in few days i will harvest so i want to...
  17. stamate

    picture before and after waterings , is it normal? quiq question

    i like to say drainage issue :D :)) they are almost recovered . in maximum 2hours they will be perfect . :D
  18. stamate

    picture before and after waterings , is it normal? quiq question

    thx guys for the answers , i learned something new from that topic. that's all i need to know for today :))
  19. stamate

    picture before and after waterings , is it normal? quiq question

    thx , the water temperature is room temperature because i put the bottles of water in that room with a day before watering to make it perfectly :D
  20. stamate

    picture before and after waterings , is it normal? quiq question

    hmm... i was thinking i watered perfectly :-? because ratio 1.5 l water on 11 litre pots is quite small . and the soil holes from bottom of the pots is also dried before waterings..