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  1. AndoTheMando

    Best handheld electric trimmer? (That’s not a total RIPOFF)

    following... I hate doing this
  2. AndoTheMando

    What sex is my plant

    Give it a few more days... But I gotta be honest.. I'm not liking what i see... But its hard to tell by photos.. check back in later
  3. AndoTheMando

    Aussie Growers Thread

    where is your coco from ?... If its bunnings compressed bricks....thats your problem
  4. AndoTheMando

    Growing in Coco Problems

    Yeap, I agree...that does look like shit...but ive seen 50 others that look fantastic
  5. AndoTheMando

    Growing in Coco Problems

    I think his plants look great.. maybe I need my eyes tested ..
  6. AndoTheMando

    Growing in Coco Problems

    Alot of problems come from using cheap (compressed brick) coco.. spend a bit more and get quality 50 ltr bags from your Hydro shop.. The cheap stuff is too high in Alkaline
  7. AndoTheMando

    What sex is my plant

    I have been growing indoor for nearly 20 years. In saying that I have had one strain for 12 years. So to be honest I have only ever grown four or five different strains over this time. I always cut from clones and have a mother plant. It’s so much easier. Here are some new ladies I have on the...
  8. AndoTheMando

    What sex is my plant

    dont pull it untill we tell you too... lol
  9. AndoTheMando

    What sex is my plant

    you wont know untill its around two weeks into the 12/12 flower cycle
  10. AndoTheMando

    What sex is my plant

    are they in flower cycle (12/12/) ? too early to tell yet
  11. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    its a hybrid of white Russian &big bud.. called THC Snow .... thanks
  12. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    I veg untill they are 12 inches high
  13. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

  14. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    I'll swap my filter when it doesn't work anymore... mine is still working fine.... after 5 years.. but yes.. its due
  15. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    I'm turning 20 oz from 3 plants with a 600w... Giddy up
  16. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    i have had that currrent filter for over 5 years.... yes its too big... my next one will be :P
  17. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    no, its in a custom made 4x4.. it just looks like its in the ground....but its not.. its just a shelf the pots are on.. there is an underneath of the cupboard
  18. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    you know what,,.. all I do is stick my finger in the top of the pot to test for moisture.. when I see its getting dry... I hit it with 6ltrs of nutes.. then keep my eye on it.. In full growth i water every three days
  19. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    An old pic of my current set up... it’s simple but it works..
  20. AndoTheMando

    ? Ready for cut

    yes, just coco...i'll explain my set up ... I hand water, so i want the water retension.. but I don t want the roots to get "wet feet".. I have drain valves at the base of the pots... I water untill i see waste coming out of the drain.. Ive got it down to a fine art now...that I just know...