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  1. mwine87

    Dec 21st 2012

    I'll have my stash, a machete at my hip, and 2 aluminium bats on my back... anyone ask's, I'm hunting Zombies and getting faded. :fire:
  2. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Thanks, Maariic. Stay Tuned. I try to update every Friday.
  3. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Just hit 3 weeks in 12/12. Not sure how long the flowering period is for these Lavender Satori, but I'm hoping no longer than 10 weeks. I like how they look so far. Can't wait to see how big they get. :)Anyone grown Lavender Satori before?
  4. mwine87

    Why Do Plants Pray?

    No, it's following the sun as it moves about the sky. The lights in Indoor grows are positioned in ideal spots for the plant to photosynthesize, so it doesn't have to move. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. The plant has to follow it to make the most of the moving light source...
  5. mwine87

    Third Grow and new to the site

    Very nice, those look great!
  6. mwine87

    funny how 8 week see take 10 weeks

    That's just how it goes, sometimes. Hopefully they will be work the extra "weight"! lol. They look good though. Very nice.
  7. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Yesterday marked the 3 week mark for Flowering. When the lights come on, i'll take some pictures. I had family over yesterday, and then I had to work.. so the Girls got very little attention. A couple of hours... FLOWERS! :) :weed:
  8. mwine87

    whats a good tequila besides Patron?

    Try "corralejo tequila reposado". It's Great, chilled even better. Smooth cold or not.
  9. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Thanks dude! I donated my personal toy collection of ~100 Star Wars figures (original package) to a toy drive... I kept these. :) This setup couldn't be easier, cheap too! Makes me happy. bongsmilie Update! Today marked 2 weeks since I flipped the lights to 12/12, and things are moving right...
  10. mwine87

    Hey guys quick question

    Hahahaha yes
  11. mwine87

    Hey guys quick question

    I would probably say its a bad idea to keep it on. It's risky without a baby sitter. The plant could shrivel up with no H2O, could burn and dry out because of heat. How often do you water? Any ventilation?
  12. mwine87

    Peat Pellets Kill!

    So the verdict is in. Peat Pellets, when used correctly, work just like they were designed to. Who would've thought?
  13. mwine87

    white dots black dots brown dots... im getting worried.

    Look on the under sides of the leaves with a Magnifying glass... It really sounds like some sort of BUG problem. But it could be a number of things, really. :/ I had a spider mite infestation last year, about 6 weeks into flowering. Had to scrap everything and santize my grow area due to the...
  14. mwine87

    Peat Pellets Kill!

    No way, dude. I've used those for a while. They work great. Not a thing wrong with them. It sounds more like you were over watering them. Operator Error.
  15. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    let me know how it works. i'll have to try it later, just to know how to do it.
  16. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    All the seeds I use have come from Medical bud I got from the Dispensaries in SoCal. I was smart enough to save them and label them as I found them. My First grow I had to pull early, due to spider mites. So I never saw the potential in what I was doing. I have some Pineapple Express in waiting...
  17. mwine87

    1st Scrog 2x Purple kush CFL grow

    How's the Grow goin'? Any updates?
  18. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Have you grown it or any of the other strains before? How did the bud turn out?
  19. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    Outdoor grows happen with ambient light at night... ex: moon and starlight, street lights, etc. I figure as long as I don't turn the lights on during "lights off", I wont hurt them. A small trickle of light into the box will not make a difference.. The plant knows the difference.
  20. mwine87

    Rubbermaid Tub Grow (Second Grow, First Posted)

    There are plenty of ways to keep the plants small and bushy. I only have 2 plants. AND I've put another box on top to account for vertical growth. Haven't you ever seen a PC CASE grow? Those boxes are way smaller and still produce decent bud.