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  1. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Flushing ques??

    does it matter if its wet? by the time it drys and I flush it then wait ait it will probally be too late.
  2. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Flushing ques??

    I was always under the impression that you cant flush untill the soil is dry. can you keep flushing everyday with wet soil or should you wait a wile for it to dry? I got some that finished earlyer than expected but their full of nutes and soaked. should I just chop em or would it be benificial...
  3. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Anyone using snow storm ultra with crystal burst??

    just picked this combo up wondering if anyone has seen as good results as humbolt claims.:bigjoint:
  4. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Anyone using these new 3w LEDs??? any advice?

    Im looking to get some of these but Id really like to hear some feedback from people that arnt trying to sell me overpriced lights.anyone toying with these?? :blsmoke:
  5. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Why do some people not trim leaves immediately???

    is there a reason for leaving the leaves on for a few days after chopping?:leaf::hump:
  6. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Can anyone post the official way to water cure???

    Ok thanx, just gonna try it on a couple grams so the real shit can hang for a wile.
  7. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Best methods of quick dry??

    I heard toaster oven 350f for 3mins. any suggestions??
  8. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Anybody using LEDs \Blackstars???

    Damn bro, I killed myself to have 750 to spend. Thats kinda depressing news. Could a person get away with using a cheaper lamer one for veg and concentrate on the fancy ones for bloom? or is that a bad idea?? Ive pulled off nice crop with one 600hps but I just thought 2 would be better. Why do...
  9. Crazy Tweeds1971

    $100 reward to who ever can fix my new hydro problem !! Experts please step in !

    mix a shot glass of hydrogen perioxide per gallon of water and clean the shit out of it. Once I thought I had to rebuy and restart everything cause I couldnt figure out why all of a sudden everything started to suck and a 60 year old hippy dude told me to do that and it was good as new.
  10. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Can anyone post the official way to water cure???

    I read about it seems crazy but deff. wanna try it.:mrgreen: Anyone got any info, methods,storys ect?
  11. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Where's the Amber?? Stuck in the Milky stage

    I also have some short blueberryXchronic that is at 55 days and still has only milky and still some clear trichs and hindu kush X Black domina that just stays milky as hell. They look sooo good but no sign of amber. Ive been paying close attention to these and Im getting scared Im gonna chop...
  12. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Anybody using LEDs \Blackstars???

    I want to replace two 600hps with LEDs. any advice of what the best buy is??:weed:
  13. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Hash/ Cure Question???

    one more ques... if you got some in the freezer is it still technically curing or does it stop once frozen??
  14. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    excellent thanx for the info!
  15. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Hash/ Cure Question???

    kool thanx I think Im gonna cure it all first then.
  16. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Hash/ Cure Question???

    also Id love to see pic of other peoples oil and bubblehash. Once I smoked some bubblehash that looked like a rolled up clump of dog shit and it was some of the best shit ever!!
  17. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Hash/ Cure Question???

    When I make bubblehash I usually just throw my material in the freezer uncured or only a few days cured. Should I cure that just like bud then make bubble hash??? Also same ques for the butaine hash oil should I use legitly cured for a month material or uncured material I keep in the...
  18. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Lighting-Blackstar lighthouse(LED)Ques...????

    I have a few questions here. I veg in a 4 by 3 foot area with a 400w MH and i want to replace it with a new LED. Also blooming in a 8 foot by 5 foot area I currently fill it half way and use a 600 hps. Now Id like to replace the HPS with one of those new Blackstar lighthouse 3w bulb LEDs...
  19. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Water: The Most Essential Compound

    So britta dosent actually take out minerals that you would want to keep ?Ive heard so many diff things. Theres no obvious problems with my water seeing how I can keep a plant to be green and healthy its whole life but threw the years Ive done the britta thing(got sick of buying filters) the let...
  20. Crazy Tweeds1971

    Having the same problem every time!! PLEASE HELP!!!

    your correct i misread my calender they are at 40 days. put them into flower about two feet. stretch to 2.5 maybe 3 depending on strain. cali o is tall and stringy hindu is not that tall but kinda stringy but still good(some samples that wernt even fully mature been getting me slightly stoned...