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  1. L

    Light Question

    Im growing two plants, grow room is pretty small, I hve a decent oscillating fan. I can only manage to buy the 400w hps which will leave me required money for bulbs. 400w Sunmaster Dual Spectrum HPS Bulb is this suitable along with a conversion bulb?
  2. L

    Light Question

    Thanks to those who helped, GrizzlyAdams sorry if I seemed to annoy you mate, but I had been looking around the forums alot and I had seen plenty of prior information about the lights but I just wanted a definitive opinion. Sorry that it rubbed you the wrong way man.
  3. L

    Light Question

    So should I get a 400w mh lamp for veg then use a 400w hps light for flowering. 'Cause I have enough to buy two lights, would one of each be a better solution?
  4. L

    Light Question

    Hey guys I have two 500w halogen lamps but after research I realize they just wont do so I am about to purchase a 400w High Pressure Sodium lamp would this be suitable throughout the whole growing or should I purchase two of these? Thanks alot
  5. L

    waiting to grow

    Ahh thanks alot man that helped quite a lot. I've been researching loads and I'm kinda worried 'cause the two lights I have are 500W each but they use halogen yeah I already had them so I'm not sure if they're like shit or acceptable.
  6. L

    waiting to grow

    Thanks alot man.
  7. L

    waiting to grow

    I've just ordered some seeds they'llarive in a couple of weeks. I'm growing indoors and it is my first time ive bought some soil and pelite. I also have two 500w lights already so i have some decent equipment on a tight budget and I've done alot of research but I am still confused about some...