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  1. C

    First time grower

    Thank you for the tip I don't suppose uno when I would use formulex nutrient solotion or big bud nuts
  2. C

    First time grower

    Any recommendations on any nutrients I can use or am I to late now
  3. C

    First time grower

    Nope haven't give it nutrients it's had one shot of organic food stuff but other than that water lol
  4. C

    First time grower

    Okay thank you for the heads up :)
  5. C

    First time grower

    Okay cheers much appreciated
  6. C

    First time grower

    Glad to here it looks okay I've just received my 600w bulb so goin to change from 400w will it harm it if change it :)
  7. C

    First time grower

    1st time grower would like sum advise on my Jack Frost plant it's 3weeks into flower does anything look wrong with what I've done so far for first timer
  8. C

    Welcome New Members!

    1st time grower I'm growing a Jack Frost these are them starting of in flower does anything look wrong with what I've done so far :)