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  1. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Cool, thanks! +REP!
  2. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Reference my post just above, here is a picture of that top site where I noticed the orange hairs or whatever...
  3. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Happy 4/20 everyone. I just noticed that the top bud/flower/? on my one plant has a few orange-ish wispy hairy things (what are those crazy white hairy things called again...?). Some of the leaves around there look like they have a little bit of that shiny/frosty material, but nothing like the...
  4. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Nice... And I'm sorry if I offend, but i can't be the only one thinking it: In the next pic, could you get the girl in your avatar lying next to that pool somewhere? Thanks. ;)
  5. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Honestly...what is the yield increase when switching to Coco from say a verm/perl mix? I like being able to water every fifth day or so as opposed to having to do it every other day with Coco (haven't tried Coco yet, but I'm thinking it'd be a pain in my ass to have to water every 2 days). Is...
  6. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I don't have the room to try this, but I'm wondering if someone with 2 nice areas or tents might have already done this or would be willing to try it...if not, maybe after I move if I have a bigger place. Take maybe 4-5 seeds, one per pot, all the same size and medium and put them in the veg...
  7. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Well, the 2 Bubblegum seeds I started at 12/12 almost a month ago still look like seedlings. That's either because my 90W UFO isn't sufficient to do 12/12 or because I have been unable to keep it close enough to the plants because of a taller plant in the same tent. Whichever it is, I doubt...
  8. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hmmm, okay--I don't really feel like blowing up my house over it so I guess I'll pass on the Honey Bee. Maybe I'll just use the instructions I found for cannabutter...I think that just involved boiling it all in a pot with water and butter. Alternatively, can I get any use from those leaves...
  9. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey friends, quick question(s) for you all: if some of my buds look "ripe" before others, is it okay/recommended that I clip those particular portions of the plant and leave the rest to mature more rather than just trying to do it all at once when different parts might be more or less ready than...
  10. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Cool, thanks. I do have a "flower" icon but didn't know what it was for--will try it next time.
  11. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Damn...sounds like you're saying I need to break out the manual for my camera. I try to avoid that! But, seeing as I just bought it last year, I guess if yours from 4 years ago can do it then mine probably can too.
  12. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Damn...what kind of camera do you have? I can't get any nice, magnified close-ups like that with my piece of shit! Of course, that could be my complete incompetence at using a camera just as well as possibly having a complete piece of shit camera!
  13. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey, regarding my little tent setup (see pics above), do any of you have an easy home-made idea on how I can construct something in order to do something like a SCROG in order to keep the plants at or below a set height? Basically, it has those 4 thin white metal poles that go from bottom to...
  14. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I think the plant on the left (Auto Berry) has a little over 3 weeks left, if I'm going by what the seed bank said...I know these pics suck balls but you can see how damn small these little GL40 tents are! I'm just going to put one plant per tent in the future unless the 12/12s I've started are...
  15. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Okay--so really it all comes down to the Indica/Sativa effect and the names/flavors/colors really don't mean much (especially if you use a vaporizer). I did know about the basic Indica/Sativa difference, but I was confused about the hybrids because the seed banks really don't break down where...
  16. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Off-Topic, sort of: What is the big difference between these dozens of strains...? Especially if one is using a vaporizer? It seems as if, from what I've read, weed does what weed does, but some has a higher concentration of THC than others. So aside from having to smoke more or less of one...
  17. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Thanks dude...appreciate.
  18. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey, would anybody here mind posting a link or two to whatever tools (clippers, scissors, etc.) I'll be needing in a few weeks?! Maybe Amazon and/or eBay... I think my wife's regular old office scissors probably aren't going to work too well, plus she'll be pissed if I get them all nasty! I...
  19. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    What do you folks do if your plants are getting to be too tall for your growing area? I'm not there yet, but one of my plants is getting close. Does it mean it is pretty much finished growing "up" if the tip is now a flower (or whatever the hell you call it...) bud site? That is the case for my...
  20. I

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Nice pics on the previous few pages... 2 questions, one is a repeat: 1) Why do people choose the old Volcano as opposed to the digital? Is it only because it is cheaper or is there something wrong with the digital? 2) As I've said before, I've not completed a grow yet--all that crazy shiny...