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  1. Sneakypuss

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Going to attempt outdoors in the spring :)
  2. Sneakypuss

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks @bryangtho As an MS suffer, I may have to move to Vic if I fail at my attempt to grow my own medicinal stash
  3. Sneakypuss

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hi All! A newbie from NSW Australia, just wanted to say g'day to my fellow Aussies :)
  4. Sneakypuss


    Hi @kiwipaulie I'm a Canadian import, doesn't worry me who wins LOL My backyard backs on to a creek, so I'm hoping that will help conceal some of the scent. Any tips on how far in advance should I order the seeds?
  5. Sneakypuss


    Greetings from NSW Australia. I suffer from MS. I went to Canada for a visit and managed to get my hands on some medicinal pot there, and I'm hoping to grow some here. I've done some research on what type of plant (high CBD) I'd like to grow. As winter is about to start here, it gives me...