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    will it even grow?

    i might be making a mistake. but what about this new hip device called the aero grow.
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    will it even grow?

    im looking for something that will work with veg and flower and will make them grow not be top of the line 3000 dollars i only have about 250 to spend on lights
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    will it even grow?

    bump means i bump it to the first page. and what lights should i use i have about5 plants not sure how many are male and how many are female. i have a decent size grow space.. any help would be greatly appreciated.
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    will it even grow?

    double bump
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    will it even grow?

    bump uhh will it die?
  6. U

    will it even grow?

    right now i have straight up seedlings about a lighter in height. i moved them inside to try and see if they would grow with a 13watt light . will it work or am i just asking for my plants to die
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    Need help with lighting

    ive also been wondering this. im kinda confined in space so something small would be good