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  1. wayward44

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I started these 2 plants from seed 9 weeks ago. This is my first time using a SCROG and I don't want to make it too crowded in there. I'm wondering when the right time to switch to 12/12 is. A lot of people have mixed opinions which makes it kind of hard to decide. I just want to have a full cab...
  2. wayward44

    New to Rollitup. Grow space ready. looking for suggestions

    thanks for the suggestions. since this will be my only space, I'm going to go with 2 plants. 1 Lemon skunk and 1 rocklock. I just bought my 3 gallon pots and my seeds are germinating! I want to scrog them but I need to do some more research on exactly how thats done :).
  3. wayward44

    New to Rollitup. Grow space ready. looking for suggestions

    I just finished converting an armoire into a grow space for my second grow. My first time was a smaller space and I had a hydroponic set up. This time I definitely want to use soil but I have questions. The space inside the armoire is about 4ft tall, 3ft across and 1.5 ft deep. I want to get...