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  1. R


    Things looking way better now. Flipped around 10 days ago. What a difference a couple weeks make!
  2. R

    Forbidden Genetics

    Sounds like a selective scammer. This kind of thing is typical in the bodybuilding world. The scammer fulfills orders for customers that he believes are well connected/well known in the game and or on internet forums. Then people he thinks are not very well known he just steals their money.
  3. R


    Yes, I understand. I posted two lots of pics, the ones from the post of mine you quoted which I think were from last Tuesday and then I posted some from yesterday. I think there is quite big positive difference(?) I'm really not sure if it was Iron, just going on what looked most like the...
  4. R


    I will read it for reference. But I'm certain was not light burn. I really don't have lights very close to plants, I have had them a lot closer before in flower (when running out of head height) and never had any issues (same lights). My problems started with new growth coming through yellow...
  5. R


    I used Megacrop on my last run and encountered no problems at all. I started to think maybe with this run the bag of MC had lost strength or something but I was really clutching at straws, and things have really turned around now and plants are looking way, way better and I have continued with...
  6. R


    contd and the lights haven't been moved up at all. So new growth is even closer to light and is very green and healthy
  7. R


    Thanks for input. But I'm pretty certain wasn't light burn, if you look at my pics from yesterday you'll see plants seem to be recovering
  8. R


    Yes I've seen that chart and probably 10 similar (lol) when I was looking around everywhere to work out what the problem was. I've also now found out that the PH meter I was using was measuring 0.5 under what it should do! Got a new PH meter today(decent quality) calibrated it with buffer 7...
  9. R


    Quick update. Things definitely moving in right direction now. I defoliated some of the yellow leaves( so cheating a bit) But the difference from 4 or 5 days ago is really night and day. New growth is coming through looking much healthier. Still not sure what the problem was but have learnt I...
  10. R

    First time using Silica

    Would you mind expanding on why this is the case?
  11. R


    More growth through today all still coming nice and green. The tiny bits on some of new tips which I thought looked yellow, I possibly think may be nute burn. So at the risk of disturbing things, I decided to change out around a 3rd of res for just plain PHd water, this brought the PPM down to...
  12. R


    Ah OK...The new meter also has EC. IIRC EC was saying something like 2.9ish(today) , which I thought sounded very high! But as new growth on plants seemed to be better I thought best to leave everything alone for now. Also has temp too, which was saying 22c
  13. R


    Today more new growth is through and it is definitely all a lot greener than a few days/week ago. There still appears to be some very small bits of yellowing on tips of some of the new growth(not all) but it looks like a big overall improvement, I think. Before, all new growth was coming...
  14. R


    Thanks very much for your input. I will see if I can look up the info from my water source, see if anything can be gleaned there. Gonna order a new PH meter from Amazon and maybe spend a little bit more than I did on my current one, and will try your other suggestions. Thanks to everyone that's...
  15. R


    Yes my pots only have small drain holes in the side of pot at very bottom. I thought would be OK as from what I'd read clay pebbles naturally allow for a lot of oxygen. I don't know. TBH I wasn't really completely happy with this set up even before problems started this run, even though was...
  16. R


    I'm running 5 litre pots of clay pebbles top fed (flooded 15mins every hour), they drain through a hole at bottom/side of pot onto a table that goes back into is recirculating. TBH I think the pots are really too small to allow the proper root growth, but I've gotten away with it the...
  17. R


    Well thanks for completely clearing that one up for me then! :clap: Can't believe I never thought to think my PH is "too damn low" for soil! I'm growing in clay pebbles
  18. R


    I feel like I've invested too much time to start again, been vegging 7 weeks not including time to root clones, and other than the yellow top growth the plants don't seem a dead loss. If I can't manage to fix the issue I'm going to gamble and flower them anyway and see how it goes. Even if I...
  19. R


    Yes I used the same lights for last run. Temps have been consistently around 75-77 with lights on and around 71 with lights off. Humidity between 40-50. Which I guess from my reading is a bit on the low side for veg but I wouldn't have thought bad enough to cause the issues I have(and...
  20. R


    No, I don't really have easy access to look at roots. My plants are in 5 litre pots, flood and drain (i think would be classed as) . with only a small hole in the bottom of pots for water to drain. I think the pot size is too small really and am going to completely change system for next run...