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  1. floridasucks

    Florida Outdoor 2009

    i wish i could but i moved. no more yard for me and my balcony gets no sun. i may do a guerrilla grow sometime this year tho.
  2. floridasucks

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    just dont smoke next to the evaporating butane
  3. floridasucks

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    i made some stable BHO the other day. looked very much like peanut butter. need to find my camera cord...
  4. floridasucks

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    haha wow, was it an old drug dog or something?
  5. floridasucks

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    they call those choppers here, but its where you take tobacco out of the cig and repack it with coke mixed in. pretty nasty to me cause i dont smoke cigs. i would top my bong hits with it back in the day tho.
  6. floridasucks

    DMT, how long till it goes bad?

    i would keep mine in a jar in a Tupperware container in the freezer.
  7. floridasucks

    DMT, how long till it goes bad?

    it should be good still.
  8. floridasucks THIEVES!

    they sent me the wrong order too. and then they want me to mail it back haha to much res in it now
  9. floridasucks

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    did 30 today. some dank. wish i could post a pic but i dont have a camera cord.
  10. floridasucks

    Order Pure DXM Online.

    your talkin about robotussin gels, the red ones. 15mg dxm in each only. yea u can extract from them but its easier to do it from syrup.
  11. floridasucks

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    nice buds for great prices, cant beat that.
  12. floridasucks

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    wow, how much did you do?
  13. floridasucks

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    no idea, i think the flash made it look more white. haha wow, nice. thanx for posting. ask shepj about posting pics, he probly has info on that.
  14. floridasucks

    Opium Weed Pretty Baller?

    haha i dont think you need acid
  15. floridasucks

    Hey Alucinari ... Look What My Friend Got Me In Japan!

    candy caviar... didnt u watch the vid?
  16. floridasucks

    Hey Alucinari ... Look What My Friend Got Me In Japan!

    i want some LSD infused caviar
  17. floridasucks

    So I found 1200+ rounds of ammo today....

    use a long stick next time the grenade doesnt go off
  18. floridasucks

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    super dank :eyesmoke::mrgreen:
  19. floridasucks

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    the first pic was from 7 grams, the second i cant remember.