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  1. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    I chopped them between weeks 8-9. We had pretty intense summer here in SoCal and I had a few strains finish really quick. I have a couple friends who's plants finished quickly as well... but the HSH is lovin it
  2. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    First 2 pics are of the finished Strawberry Blue... definitely a connoisseur strain (low yield, high quality). Its one of my new favorite strains. Second 2 pics are of the finished Cotton Candy
  3. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    I started them all in flower on june 17. SB and CC are done, HSH still has probably another month and a half or so... ridiculous
  4. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Update on my HSH, Cotton Candy, and Strawberry Blue: The first pic is of my HSH, and the second pic is a close up of her top cola. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't really been taking that great of care of her. She is taking way too effing long to flower. She stopped stretching and the colas are...
  5. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Its been a while since I have posted to this thread, but here is an update: I had 3 HSH, one turned out to be a male, the skunk pheno one hermed, and now I am left with one female HSH, but it is the most vigorous of the 3. My Cotton Candy, HSH, and Strawberry Blue are all now starting their 3rd...
  6. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    I just examined all of my plants today, since they are around day 35-40ish in veg, for indications of sex. I started 14 plants from seed, and only 2 of them seem to be males. One "male" is a random bag seed but was growing far more vigorously than any other plant with great genetics. So I am...
  7. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    All plants are doing well and we FINALLY have our not so little mite problem under control. The new tops on my HSH are doing well and one is getting pretty tall. The first pic is of my and my roommate's Cotton Candy (mine on right). The second pic is of my HSH (3 in middle). The two haze phenos...
  8. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Sounds like your SB and CC are doing really well. Quite the opposite of mine. But they do seem to be finally growing out of their stunting. However my roommate has a CC that he popped on the same day as mine and his took off right out of the gate, except his leaves look more like duck foot or a...
  9. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    I topped my 2 HSH that are growing like wildfire. They are definitely taking a while to respond. I topped 3 other bagseeds im growing and they all responded in 2 days. The HSH are barely starting to respond (topped 6 days ago.) This thread about the HSH but other started the SB and CC as...
  10. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    The first picture isn't really related to the thread, but I thought I would share it anyway. Built my first aero cloner yesterday and she's all loaded up. This is what I plan on using for all the future sexing of plants. The second pic is of the 3 HSH (3 in front). The new growth looks good...
  11. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Sounds like the Dr. Bronners is doing the trick for you. Just need to keep on top of those little buggers. Fingers crossed, I dont want them to kill my babies
  12. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Sounds like a good idea. I will definitely give it a try once I have the pests under control. And I understand the respirator and all the precautions, I cook with habaneros all the time and yes they are a B**** when you get the juice in your eyes or breathe in a concentrated vapor. Thanks for...
  13. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Thanks for the reply SlimTim. I guess if you go by that logic youre right. Im going to try to sterilize my soils from now on. And as for the pepper spray, just normal pepper spray? or a pyperidine oil?
  14. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Update on my HSH, SB, CC. Just noticed today that my seedlings are starting to form white spots on the leaves (Fuck my life). I have deduced that my older plants I have, have the same white spots but far more intense. I have deduced that the white spots are from mites. I can see small moving...
  15. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    To update my HSH, the 2 that popped normally are growing like wildfire since being transplanted into 1 gallons 5 days ago and are looking like a good Haze. The third that popped late and slow growth is still growing very slow, nothing at all like its 2 siblings. So I just transplanted it from...
  16. s_paceno13

    Hawaiian Skunk Haze?? Herbies?

    Just popped my Strawberry Blue, Cotton Candy, and 3 HSH. The Cotton Candy looks nice n dark green; I'm assuming its taking on more of the Lavender genetics. Two of the HSH popped in 2 days and are growing tall as they should be. But the 3rd took 4 days longer to pop and is growing slower than...