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  1. N

    askin for some love please????? need answer's

    first pic looks like over moist soil, second looks like it might have a slight ph prob,do all the plants share the same feed ?
  2. N

    small for thier age?

    just to give update on my ladys ,they are now on last 7 days of flush.thanx to all the reasuring posts :)
  3. N

    ready or not pic's inc

    i have added some more pic's,i raped most the stem leaves today,gonna give a few more days flushing i think .cheers for the responce hemp
  4. N

    ready or not pic's inc

    ty for responce guys,some of the buds look to be more than 30/70 or even 50/50 where as other buds look look a lot less. or should i be looking at the whole plant for the 50/50 ratio?
  5. N

    ready or not pic's inc

    Hey guys, are these ladys ready,my prob is some look ready and some dont.i have four ladys and posted 1 pic from each plant. I have a crap camera so these arwe the closest i can get. cheers in advance :)
  6. N

    whats wrong? 1st timer

    they look hungry to me ,try giving them a light feed.
  7. N

    [HELP] Rootbound? Stunted growth, pale green.

    would agree with blzbob,the yellow spots look a lot like the soil is too moist,if they have just been trancplanted then the might need a few days to settle down.
  8. N

    small for thier age?

    30"/35" ,and there are 4 of them
  9. N

    small for thier age?

    just added some upto date photo's so ya can see how the little ladies are doing :)
  10. N

    Please Help! Ventilation Fans IN/OUT through Hydrofarm Hood

    seen a drawing on here somewhere, showed out fan one end of hood and carbon filter the othere end. my in/out fan are the same make and size this works for me,think its with the slight restriction the filter causeson the out fan.
  11. N

    flowing times for blueberry

    thnx guys appreciated.they are still young but will let them run their coarse :)
  12. N

    flowing times for blueberry

    Hi guys,can any 1 tell me the flowering time for blueberry,i though it was 8week but someone told me it was 10, or should i just go by what the plant is telling me
  13. N

    green but dry leaves

    I had the same problem,was advised it was low humidity and told not to use my extraction all the 18hr.but this caused the temp to jump i just keep spraying the plants with water till there was enough green mass to up the humidity,it got to the right levels by week 4.hope this helps a bit...
  14. N

    small for thier age?

    thx for the response guys.the bulb is a sunmaster mh dual spec and i have 5" fans in and out ,nice little breeze around tent the plants are from cutings, i have had a cuting off the same mother before these and at the same age i rember the flowers looking a lot bigger.was just a bit worried that...
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    small for thier age?

    photo's added to original post
  16. N

    hydro shops under police watch

    thanx for the heads up m8.thats a bit too close to home :(
  17. N

    small for thier age?

    sry for the metric :) bout 1/2 inch
  18. N

    small for thier age?

    this may not be a problem, but I have 4 blueberry in a 1.2m x 1.2m grow tent under a 600w.they have been in flower for 3 weeks now and the flowers are only 1.5 cm in size,are the small for their age? sorry no pics yet(they are sleeping at the min )
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    thanx for the welcome guys
  20. N


    big hi to everyone,this is an awsome site full of like minded ppl and lovely pic,s :).can see me losing a lot of hours in here .happy harvests everyone.