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  1. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    Spider farmer sf2000 I have 2 of them in my 5x5
  2. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    Around 80-85 with lights on, 75 or so with them off. Rh fluctuates but generally around 40 percent
  3. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    I have down to earths entire line of amendments by now, I’m just such a noob and scared to burn my plants I haven’t dared try topdressing yet. This book I’m reading warned against making nitrogen available too late into flower so I’m on the fence about it
  4. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    Flipped on January 18th, buds started showing the next week after. The breeder says it’s a 63 day flowering time
  5. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    Definitely no amber trichs, the pistols are more orange/white than reddish brown. She still has at least 3 weeks to go so I’m worried it won’t make it. Those fan leaves are about to drop off I can tell the lower ones are even worse
  6. Cosmic_Charlie

    Did my tea overdose it or is this a ph issue?

    This plant looked hungry so I brewed a finishing tea for it (ewc, kelp meal, molasses). It’s in week 5 flower in living organic soil but it reacted by clawing and fading even worse idk if it’s just going into the next stage of flowering or dying. I haven’t checked the ph recently but last time...
  7. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this plant finishing flowering or dying?

    I gave it a finishing tea this morning and the fading and drooping of the leaves only seemed to increase. At this point I’m at a loss, my watering schedule has been fairly consistent I always let the soil dry out, watering no more than once every 2-3 days. They are in 5 gallon pots, organic...
  8. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is it too early for leaves to be fading? Week 5 flowering

    Thanks man! I’m gonna spend today putting together a tea. I’ve definitely learned a lot from this grow. going into the next one I’ll do more as far as training/defoliation/feeding. I’m just glad the one plant is frosty af it looks like it’s gonna be some dank :bigjoint:
  9. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is it too early for leaves to be fading? Week 5 flowering

    I do not check the ph of the water, I use reverse osmosis water with 1-2tsp organic cal mag per gallon. Other than that haven’t fed it anything but the soil was very rich with organic amendments and I composted them into the soil. I think I slacked on not doing any top dressings or teas yet but...
  10. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is it too early for leaves to be fading? Week 5 flowering

    I flipped the light cycle on Jan 18th, these are supposed to be an 8-9wk strain. They are in an organic living soil I made but I think they need a top dressing or tea because the leaves are fading already. Advice for a first time grower?
  11. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this frosty or what?

    Blood Diamond strain from swamp donkey seeds week 4 of flower
  12. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Basically, the sled dawg strain is a no go for me! Read in the frostiness buds thread someone posted that it’s gas but every one in 2 packs Hermed on him. But I can’t put the breeder down because they are definitely healthy and frosty plants even under my beginner care and the blood diamonds...
  13. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Thanks man that was the reassurance I needed to continue on happily haha no joke, I’ve had some dank before with a couple of little light colored seeds so if that’s what this ends up like so be it :eyesmoke:
  14. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Maybe my lights are too strong? They’re at full power and like 12 inches from the tops, spider farmer 2000, 2 of them so 400 watts total
  15. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Thanks for the information everyone and tbh I think it’s just an unstable strain because my other three plants are fine and not doing this at all. And they’re all super healthy so I don’t know what could be stressing them. I will check again for a light leak but I didn’t see one before switching...
  16. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Yeah if you zoom in on that bud they have little nanners coming out
  17. Cosmic_Charlie

    Fuck I think I have another hermie... it smells too good to get rid of though

    Now two of my plants are showing these little waxy ball sacks, these ones are in the flower of the plant. I’m keeping them and I’ve accepted I most likely will have seedy weed, I don’t want to chuck two plants and when I grabbed the bud to get a better look at these nanners it smelled like...
  18. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this a hermaphrodite? What should I do?

    I can do that for sure, should I rinse all the other plants?
  19. Cosmic_Charlie

    Is this a hermaphrodite? What should I do?

    Oh well I’m gonna pull it but that really sucks, fingers crossed I didn’t ruin my first grow