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  1. C

    Plants are just starting to bud, but only one i have been able to sex for sure

    One is guaranteed a male i see the nuts. But the other 3 are also starting to bud but i havent seen any pistils or nuts. i have read every grow journal i can get my hands on and still cant figure it out. are there any reasons pistils wouldnt form or are they just too small for me to see or...
  2. C

    can somebody check out these pics and give me an idea of what they think is wrong

    man you guys were right i didnt think those cfls got that hot but i went and bought a thermometre for 2 bucks at walmart and it turns out its almost 20 degreees too hot in there will adjust and all should be well. Thanks alot everyone.
  3. C

    can somebody check out these pics and give me an idea of what they think is wrong

    it was about 6.8 havent checked for about a week though can it change that quick
  4. C

    can somebody check out these pics and give me an idea of what they think is wrong

    soil is natures mix organic soil, lights are cfls daylight, they really dont get that hot, not sure about humidity, i have a bowl of water in there to evaporate, no nutes have been used.
  5. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    no no fan on them i was told not to use a fan untill 4 weeks
  6. C

    can somebody check out these pics and give me an idea of what they think is wrong

    the one looks pretty nice but the other is cupping its leaves not sure what the problem is?
  7. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    I only ordered one kind but i guess its possible that they had a few mixed up, i kinda wondered if they were different because they seem to grow at different rates, and one has super fat wide leaves and the other has really skinny more traditional mj leaves
  8. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    the tips are pointing up, the thing i dont get is i have 4 plants in the same room all the same soil same watering everything the same, but only mybest looking plant has starting doing this. the other ones are all fine. its also the biggest one for some reason it seems to grow at an astonishing...
  9. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    the humidity in my area is 100% outside not sure what it is in here though
  10. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    im not sure about the humidity, i have a bowl of water in there to try raise it up. and the temp is around 75
  11. C

    my plant looks sick? leaves are curling upwards to form a cup?

    it was great for the first couple weeks now its starting to curl upwards around the edges of the leaves. no brown spots just lots of cupping. I thought it was overwatering so i gave it no water till i was sure it needed it, 4-5 days but it still doesnt seem any better? ive given it no nutrients...
  12. C

    leaves seem dry and brittle, curling upwards a bit

    growing with cfls, about 2 inches from plant top, new leaves come out nicely but seem to turn dry and kind of brittle, and they seem to be curling upwards a bit around the edges.
  13. C

    Best light cycle for veg when using cfls?

    So what your saying is i should stick to 18-6 because thats what ive been doing for a while, but next time i might try 24 just to see how she grows. Sometimes its hard to get to the facts because so many people state their opinons as facts. Awesome thanks for the facts.
  14. C

    Best light cycle for veg when using cfls?

    hmm very interesting. i have also noticed it seems like the plants grow quite a bit while the lights are off. i guess i will stick to the 18-6 giving them some rest would probably keep the plants healthier overall. Thanks everyone.
  15. C

    Best light cycle for veg when using cfls?

    Ive read alot of different opinions about light cycles, most people saying 18-6, but theres alot saying you can go 24- without a problem. Does anyone know the real facts or has anyone experience growing 24 hours on? Im growing with 4 100 watt cfls per plant.
  16. C

    leaves burnt? Anything i can do to help them

    Well im growing with cfls, and i went away for 2 days and the plants decided to start growing like crazy when i got back they were touching the lights, only one was badly burned the other few have minor burns will they survive? is there anything that will help them?
  17. C

    questions about pot sizes, any ways to use smaller pots beacause of limited space

    Thanks for the info, i just went out and bought some square pots, 4 gallon square fits better than 3 gallon rounds.
  18. C

    questions about pot sizes, any ways to use smaller pots beacause of limited space

    I know the general rule of thumb is 1 gallon per foot of plant, but im very limited for space. Can i get away with a smaller size like maybe 3 gallon? if i keep the plants shorter or something? i dont want to end up flowering and getting the roots cramped up.
  19. C

    My Buddies First Grow... Any and all suggestions would be great

    thanks man, your about the only person to offer advice so far. greatly appreciated
  20. C

    My Buddies First Grow... Any and all suggestions would be great

    Strain: Forest Blue Grow Box: just a shelf unit thats been modified to be lightproof, heat blanket lined the walls. Lights: so far just a mix of cfls Cool White and Soft White Well, after about two weeks of trying he finally has 2 little seedlings and a couple more on the way. hes only...