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  1. Peaceman12

    Help with diagnosis of plant. Light green fan leaves

    Checked soil and PH was between 7-6.5 which is a bit high. How would I fix this? Don't want nutrient lockout of N.
  2. Peaceman12

    Help with diagnosis of plant. Light green fan leaves

    One if my 6 medical plants have a few large fan leaves at bottom of one plant with lime green leaves. My first thought might be over watering. I'm using vermifire soil in 7 gallon grow bags for the first time. The soil drains slower, plus I have never used that big of pots. The 6 plants are on...
  3. Peaceman12

    Help with heat issues

    The Thc bomb grew very different. Smaller and more like a thin bush. It was harder to figure our the amount on those plants because the branches were very close. Very strong bud. Hard high great for insomnia. Not great if you trying to get business done lol
  4. Peaceman12

    Help with heat issues

    The walls are not sealed in my grow. My 440 cfm fan creates negative pressure and air comes in through the side walls and floor. Was going to add fresh air intake, but I actually think adding more fresh air from a warm garage will be worse until fall. To answer others questions, I harvested 3 of...
  5. Peaceman12

    Help with heat issues

    I ran a night cycle during flowering and had too keep door open last three weeks during light cycle at night to bring in cooler air with a fan. Planning on 18/6 cycle with dark from 1-7. Still need to figure out cooling solution.
  6. Peaceman12

    Help with heat issues

    First grow was great until I messed up PH on plants and then stressed them with light twice during dark cycle. Ended up with hermies but learned a lot. Growing THC bomb and White widow. I have no light issues now and won't ever again.
  7. Peaceman12

    Help with heat issues

    I finished my first grow and am starting my second. New issues due to time of year. I have a framed in 6x6x9 room framed in my garage. Electrical added so plenty of outlets. I have two 600 watt hid mh/hps lights and have a 440 cfm fan and charcoal filter. Setup worked well until April. My garage...
  8. Peaceman12

    Newbie struggling with heat. Please advise

    I'm going to order a intake fan, close gap in door and change light cycle to dark from 12-6 dark during the day. I'll buy a portable AC if all else fails. Thanks to all of your advice on this forum. I love this site. Blessings to all
  9. Peaceman12

    Newbie struggling with heat. Please advise

    Dehumidifier is in room. Aren't ductless split systems very expensive? Are the hard to install? I just have a framed in bathroom drywall with a door. I vent through roof vent.
  10. Peaceman12

    Newbie struggling with heat. Please advise

    I do not have cool tube. I run from 4 am til 10 pm. I do not have a fan blowing air in, but their is 1/2 inch gap under the door and with my fan, carbon filter I vent the whole room every minute. Anything I should do?
  11. Peaceman12

    Newbie struggling with heat. Please advise

    I have a 6x6x9 grow room framed for a medical marijuana grow. I have 2 600 watt HID MH bulbs on a 18/6 schedule. Dark temp in 60's, but now my day temps are getting to 85-87 which is too how. I have a 412 cfm fan and carbon filter and a occ fan which also can heat for really cold winter days. I...
  12. Peaceman12

    Heating, venting issues

    Thank you so much
  13. Peaceman12

    Heating, venting issues

    Hi, I am starting my first medical marijuana grow. I have been testing my grow space for a week and need another opinion. I have two 600 watt hid mh lights, and a great carbon filter/ fan combo. The space is a framed in 6x6 room in garage. Growing 6 plants, white widow and thc bomb. Problem: I...