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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    I shall do that. Thanks for your input yall, its much appreciated. May the force be with me
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    My original plan was to flower 3-4wks after switching to 18/6, but all of this has thrown a wrench into my gears. I'm putting a lot of effort into trying to learn how to read my plants....this is all very helpful
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    I don't know too much about the municipal water supply....what should I look for? It's not well water, I know that much. And recently I obtained some Miracle Grow All Purpose, which has 3-1-2 w/micros
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    Thank ya sir :) I will measure the ph of the runoff, right now she's a hair under 7. @Dankster I don't have whole pics just yet as my camera on my phone sucks donkey balls...thats something else I'm working on.
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    Thank you for constructive input. Everyone here knows than I right now so everyone's view is appreciated. The water pH is 6.9. I have no lime, but bet your ass I'll pick it up as soon as I can. So, 1) if I don't water with the pure distilled water, would I just use tap water instead? 2) How...
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    Patience is my forte my friend :blsmoke: I have taken your advice and have transplanted into a 2 gal pot. I noticed she was slowing down in growth so after a bit of research I determined it may be rootbound and once I transplanted I saw that it was definitely the case. When you say I should...
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    Fan leaves drying out from the bottom up....(pics)

    This is my first grow. I'm using a dual 4ft T12 40W light ballast with 4 27W CFL twistys, and 2 45W CFL twistys (All Daylight.) This plant is 5 weeks old, and into its 2nd week of 18/6 light cycle with a fan blowing a slight breeze. My medium is Schultz potting soil with an NPK of...
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    Flavour Curing By Chow

    I've heard tale of this but heard it doesn't work very prominent is the taste? Could you use limes and grapefruits as well?