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  1. viciousitalia

    why are my plants doing this again?

    lol that doesnt look too bad hope my plants turn out like that. i just transplanted them into bigger pots they were only in solo cups.
  2. viciousitalia

    why are my plants doing this again?

    it isnt pointing to much up? the 2nd set of leaves are coming through and there pointing straight up.
  3. viciousitalia

    why are my plants doing this again?

    ok this happened to my last plant before it died. but the last time i wasnt watering enough. here is a pic please help. everything is fine ph is 7 temp is 78_80 good airflow.
  4. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    Actually i was going to run this and see what happens. ive seen people use it for before for pc grows. what do you suggest? I am going to go to hps for flowering. i have a rubbermaid grow box i am working on, but i am going to just try the pc grow first.
  5. viciousitalia
  6. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    thanks bro, i hope this actually has a blue hue to it some dont. as for subscribing mayb someone can help us out because i am very new to all this lol no idea.
  7. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    so today i added a new fan. My plants were propped up on some dvds before to be closer to the light, but i added my scrog screen today and put them on that for now. also yesterday my plants leaves were slightly pointing up and that scared me cause last attempt to grow they pointed up right...
  8. viciousitalia

    First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.

    I posted on here a couple days ago asking some questions and decided I might as well create a log. Nirvana blue mystic fem 2 26 watt cfl pc grow box 2 intake fans 1 exaust fan scrog screen fox farm ocean forest. recipe for success nute kit temp was slightly high around 80-90F added another...
  9. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    thanks bro. i just added in a nother fan and vent to hopefully bring the temp down. ill keep ya updated.
  10. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    very nice amazing recovery bro
  11. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    thanks bro. have you grown blue mystic?
  12. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    26w lol plus im only starting them in here.
  13. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    yeh i heard great things about all fox farm products. i might have to switch if the ffof is to hot for my seedlings.
  14. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    thanks bro appriciate all your help i actually had those seedlings on top of like 6 dvds wich was prob restricting my air flow so i just went to home depot and bough some hooks and a grate and just made a adjustable shelf. i also have these seedlings on 24 hour light mayb. mayb switch to 18/6?
  15. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    i am finishing up my rubbermaid grow box i am going to put them in there. i am doing this discreetly.
  16. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    i am using a gallon of Poland springs i have left out for about 5 days now. if i was overwatering it wouldnt the leaves be drooping? and if i sick my finger in 2 inches and its dry everymorning shouldnt i water it?
  17. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    yeh its around 80 right now but thats cuz its actually hot in my room im going to run the ac now lol it usualy runs at about 78
  18. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    i have a rubbermaid growbox i am finishing up now and once i transplant will put in the rubbermaid.
  19. viciousitalia

    Blue Mystic Problem.

    its a pc grow btw.