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  1. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    week 7 for some and week 6 for others
  2. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    i got mites wat do i do
  3. krontic

    wen germinating seeds in papertowell

    ya i was confusing the hairs for mold imm gna put these in dixies n ffof wat do u think
  4. krontic

    wen germinating seeds in papertowell

    wen germinating seeds in a papertowel can mold start to grow if u leave them in to long cuz i think i see mold on some of the stems that sprouted out of the craked seed.. can i jus wipe it off if it is mold
  5. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    im bout to flower my babys on friday but flushing tomorrow jus water n friday feed wit nutes and change lights to 12/12
  6. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    i jus topped them so lets see wat happens im bout to feed tomorrow n flower next wednesday..any suggestions on wat i should do or ur opinoin on this
  7. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    should i top them b4 i flower them
  8. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    i got bout 8 to 8 1/2 feet of height room but i wanna flush b4 i flower i jus fed on monday with big bloom and grow big
  9. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    i was thinking of flowering these girls next week but wondering if i should top them your thoughts please..should i wait on flowering?
  10. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    here are my plants now i jus changed the hps bulb to a mh today.. y plants didnt seem to like that hps. i fed them today with water and big bloom.. they have been under light for 39 days
  11. krontic

    400w metal halide and 400w high pressure sodium bulbs.

    im running a 800w setup by the way
  12. krontic

    400w metal halide and 400w high pressure sodium bulbs.

    my plants under the 400w mh seem to be doin better than the ones under 400w hps y is that.? should i change it to a mh bulb
  13. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    nice plants
  14. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    I jus got a humidifier so Imma see how that works..the humidity stays between 39 n 41 I want it a Lil higher cuz it seems like the plants r stessn.hopefully the humidifier helps.
  15. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    thanx how much do they usually go for
  16. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    wats a good way to get humidy in my room. the temp is at 79 but the humidity says 41.any i deas on wat i can do to get the humidy up..should i raise my hps light or leave them at the same height
  17. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    Ya I was gna flush n feed tomorrow see if that helps..y is that the plants seem to like the mh more than the hps..the plants that are under the hps seem to droop more
  18. krontic

    new grower, any tips

    today is day 27 in the ffof soil. and the 5th day they been under 800w. since ive added it , it seems like the ones under the mh seem to be doin better but i rotate them every couple days.i flushed n fed them wit water 4 days ago soil seems to be still moist but the plants that are directly...
  19. krontic

    400w metal halide and 400w high pressure sodium bulbs.

    it stays under 80 degrees with both lamps on
  20. krontic

    400w metal halide and 400w high pressure sodium bulbs.

    im jus gna runn both for this month and see how much the bill is and i can get an idea of wat im gna b payn.. thnx for that idea tho i may use it