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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B + B52

    This is just the Sensi Bloom A & B and im running the b52 supplement . . im jus wondering what my next choice should be
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    Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B + B52

    I am running ProMix w/mychorizae Advanced Nutrients Sensi A&B and B52 oh and plant success. These are 4 Clones from a Barneys Farm CrimeaBlue Mother , they are under a 1000wattHPS light. I realize that i am missing the rest of the line. These are in the begining of their fourth week any...
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    Does my plant have Spider Mites?

    ladybugs pwn mites !
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    4x4 tray kushBerry [DNA] 1000 HPS Hortilux

    kewl thx for tha input, im hoping they will take off and make up for some of my noobishness . .
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    4x4 tray kushBerry [DNA] 1000 HPS Hortilux

    im watering every 6 days full nutes from here in i think the lady bugs saved the day too , I had light webs on all tops , LB's feasted !
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    4x4 tray kushBerry [DNA] 1000 HPS Hortilux

    this pic is two weeks into flowering , and only about a week on the 1000w HPS :( i know the clones have been through alot (previous 400w) , but forging ahead anyway . . all input appreciated ! pro mix in 2.5 gal w/ clay balls , Base nute : "Grow" Suplements : Bio Bud , Hygrozyme , Floralicious...
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    update droop is almost gone , misted them w/ distilled ph'd lights come on in 2hrs . . .
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    my plants seem a lil droopy today , hmmmm
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    im not sure if they eat it or if they drag it off crawling all over while hunting and devouring mites
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    Day/Night Temperatures

    wow so if my ambient day temp is 76 , nite should drop to ? 56 ? or u think a lil higher , they are 2 weeks into flowering 'KushBerry' , thanx in advance
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    ya i had webs on all tops as well , the ladybugs are veracious ! not a web in site in two days flat ! and mine is indoor as well , waiting another week for mantids to hatch :)
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    no ladybugs ?
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    I ran a 12ml dose of "grow" basenutrient, 6ml dose of Hygrozyme, .5 tsp bio bud , in 2 gal phd aird tap water ( basicayl .5 dosages across board, i did leave out the supplement nutrients for this test run) . applied mix with a 360 hand sprayer targeting a fine mist onto the bottoms or the...
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    Flushing, can you still use molasses?

    so whats the purpose of flushing my true organic nute fed ladies ? , and it sounds like my soil might need the molasses im 2nd week in flowering , all input appreciated