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  1. D

    Dirrtyd's 2012 Organic Soil Mix and Grow

    Hello Dirrtyd, Thanks for all the great info on soils, I will be mixing my own for my backyard this year and your thread provided a ton of information. I also came across you doing a spring harvest in your greenhouse, which I am currently attempting. I have been having a hard time finding...
  2. D

    Flowering early outdoors

    Hello all, So I have a greenhouse, and I vegged indoors under a T5 during winter and put them in the greenhouse on February 6th. The plants look incredible (my best yet), and i am starting to worry about the longer days as they get closer to finishing up. I plan on chopping in 2 weeks, and...
  3. D

    Greenhouse vs Raised Bed vs Large Hole

    dirrtyd, This is my first season growing outdoors (3 plants 1 Big bud, and 2 bag seed's central cali) and have been completely confused with what to do for my plants as far as fertilizer and nutrients. I ended up just planting mine in potting soil to keep it simple for my first grow. I want...