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  1. slantxl

    Stinkbud's Method Water Question

    I have a quick question. For stinkbud's method how much water is needed in the cloner reservoir, the vegetative reservoir, and the flower reservoir?
  2. slantxl

    using stinkbuds aeroponic setup- advice please!!

    How much water is used in stinkbuds cloner?
  3. slantxl

    10,000 AMPS???? Electrical Question

    So I was checking my breaker box today and noticed something a little strange. All the breakers say 10,000 AMP. Is this possible???I don't know much about electrical setups. I know the previous owner of the house I am living in was a certified electrician and he worked in the hotel industry...
  4. slantxl

    Extension Cord Questions.

    Alright, I am building a room in a garage and was going to have 1400 W worth of light and run a 620 w window mounted a/c unit through the wall. I really don't want to rewire. I have a 20 Amp dedicated line in the garage already and I figured I would be able to run the 1400 w of light off...
  5. slantxl

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hey Common One; I lived in an old building that was built in the 1940's and I had the same deal as you. The electricity and water were included in my rental payment. I am sure I could of been growing a little something back then and should have taken advantage of the fact that I did not pay for...
  6. slantxl

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Alright, I am building a room in a garage and was going to have 1400 W worth of light and run a 620 w window mounted a/c unit through the wall. I really don't want to rewire. I have a 20 Amp dedicated line in the garage already and I figured I would be able to run the 1400 w of light off this...
  7. slantxl

    Looking for Exhaust Advice

    That sounds like a good idea. Bringing in air with the 435 CFM fan. I actually don't have any in line fans at the moment but it is something I would consider doing. That kinda what I figured in regards to the air all moving out of the same exhuast. I apperciate your insight in regards to the...
  8. slantxl

    Looking for Exhaust Advice

    Alright. I have been looking through my Grow Bible and Ultimate Grow books and I have been scouring forums across the net looking for a concrete answer to my deli-ma. I started out slaning buds at 15-21 and took a short break and started growing outdoors. I have four seasons of outdoor...
  9. slantxl

    If you don't know, now you know.

    If you don't know, now you know.
  10. slantxl

    How to start seeds in a StinkBud AeroCloner

    Are these germinated under flourecents?
  11. slantxl

    Seed to Veg; Help My Babies Out

    hjgfhj ghfhdgg gf h gh h gf h gfh gf h gf hgf h gf hgf gfh dhgf:spew:on yer face
  12. slantxl

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I decided to stop by Home Depot on my way home and pick up a Vol Test XL. I could not get a reading off of the 250V Hart Lock. Because I did not get a reading does this mean that the line is dead? I did find out that I have 120 V running to the garage and another 110 V running to the spare...
  13. slantxl

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I was sitting here reading the posts and I figured I'd go to my electrical box to see what I got. I opened the box and saw most of the breakers were labeled 20A. I noticed below the box there was 220V?, i think 220, attached connected to the electrical box as well. The conduit states 75A and if...
  14. slantxl

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    I called the USPS tracking info line and the automated message stated that there is no info on my package at this time. Fuckin joke.
  15. slantxl

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    My package has been in custom's since the 19th. WTF man!!! I chose guranteed stealth and insurance so I hope I get that shit soon. I'm impatient and I want to get the ball rolling with this shit.
  16. slantxl

    Squirrel Cages and CFM

    I am fairly certain how I am going set up my grow room. The one issue I have a concept of, but fully don't understand is intake/out take issues and what is CFM. Roughly newly constructed metal stud, drywall room. Roughly 7'6 x 10'x 7'6 room within a garage. What size squirrel cage do I use to...
  17. slantxl

    Need Help with Garage Grow Room Setup

    I wish I could construct a room that simple. Problem I have is the variation in temperature throughout the year. :leaf: I have a complete aeroponic system in mind. I have a separate tiny room for the clones. I do not feel I need a mother or mothers. I plan on taking clones from my growing plants...
  18. slantxl

    Need Help with Garage Grow Room Setup

    Hey All, I have three seasons of successful outdoor grow under my belt. I relocated to another state and unfortunately have not had a grow in two seasons. I want to build a grow room in my garage. I would like to construct a 9'4" x 7"10 x 7'6" room with the garage. The construction of this room...