Search results

  1. N

    dxm anybody?

    hey guys i was gunna try some tussin cuz i wanna see the trip off it and dont wanna take a buncha triple cs altho ive heard and seen good results from them but would this tussin be ok? CVS Tussin Cough Formula Maximum Strength Active Ingredient (in each 5 ml Teaspoonful): Dextromethorphan HBr...
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    Growing as a Police Officer

    too me that doesnt sound like a bad idea i have drug dealers who are close friends and their parents are cops, buddie mom is a cop and shes always comin down stairs buyin bud for his dad. As long as you dont have friends comin over seeing it all the time that could cause a stir if they try...
  3. N

    Seeds thats were i got my seeds and only took a week. same witha friends order. I was looking at attitude also becuase you get free seeds but i just needed one at the moment and shipping just for one seed was going to be like 20 at attitude.
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    first cfl stealth micro dresser grow

    Looks like a good idea i myself am going to be starting a stealth grow CFL but i ordered my seed from online, some Barneys Farm LSD. Ask your buddy what the name of the seeds are or what he got them from cuz if he gots no info you can go get yourself a bag of regy for 5bucks and have a buncha...
  5. N

    I'm not getting high. :( help?

    just smoke again, the first time i smoked i didnt get high felt totaly fine just seemed like time went by quicker. I smoked again that night and i was looking at myself in a merror with my eyes shut was blasted off some oj kusk. basically the same other day iv been clean now for a month for a...
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    8x1000 watts CO2 Hydro grow Jacks Back

    WoW im a new grower too but yours is huge for a second grow, its beuatiful makes me wanna cry. subscriben like to see were this goes
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    Double Rooting

    It might not affect the plant but it could do harm because now it has two entries its being fed water up from
  8. N

    If your looking for the LSD you can buy a sing seed for around 12 dollars, around 20 in total...

    If your looking for the LSD you can buy a sing seed for around 12 dollars, around 20 in total with shippin. from their selection is prity big and not realy expensive
  9. N

    First grow: LST to my LSD

    lol thanx everyone ok ill check out lowes but if all else fails i guess il take the thirty minute drive to pick up some FF. i got the seed from It costed me 12 dollars for the seed shipping was 7.50 U.S. i ordered last saturday so took like a week my buddy...
  10. N

    First grow: LST to my LSD

    MY grow is going to be an LST method done to an LSD plant, at the moment the seed is germing and i should be able to plant within a week. Im not sure on what i should use still for my soil medium. Im going to do a stealth cab grow with 140watts of CFLs with a fan directly on the plant and an...
  11. N

    Would this container be fine?

    is the depth not deep enough or is it just the material its made out of? beacuse im doing this stealth and have a limit to space thats why going with the LST method in a rubbermaid tub. Depending on how big she gets during flowering is if im going to move her to a different box. What you guys...
  12. N

    Would this container be fine?

    I have a foil pan around 1 1/2' Length 9"Width 4"deep, hold aproximatly a gallon of soil. Would this be able to support my plant if i LST it for 3 weeks then 12/12? or is this not deep enough? I didnt now if my plant would stretch its roots out long wasy or jsut get cramped in the depth. Also...
  13. N

    is this soil ok?

    Im in search of the soil i need aswell but dont use soil from outside. it carries too many bugs and diseases harmful to the plant
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    Was jsut Searching arounb and this was all i found, hasnt been looked at in a while but maybe some will. was just wondering if any1 has a way to build thier own led panel? i want to but aint sure on LEDS to use and what other things will be needed for the leds not to blow or just start my house...
  15. N

    my ghetto grow first grow

    you should just grow in some cups, shot glasses are small and even if you want to stay small with these the shot glass might not have enough room for their roots. The people in the contest now what their doing to the T. Its good though that your going to practice all this tuff like LST and...
  16. N

    Why is my plant not flowering?

    do you now what your growing? if its an autoflowering plant its gunna flower when it wants to
  17. N

    most efficient/strongest way to smoke?

    id have to say a gravity bong is my fav, first time use a gravity bong was with 8th northern lights and 8th ak47 great and easy ha, iv made da waterfall bong before on accident lol screwing around N firgured it could work
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    Free Nutes

    I did the request Thanx, do you now what nutes youll be getting though?
  19. N

    Wonder Woman LST

    Beuatiful plant
  20. N

    is my plant flowering after 3 weeks???

    ya the plants are stretched prob because he had them in the windo at a 11/13 light and they were going threw their flowering but hes right should start over, going from flower back to veg takes time and itll just take longer waiting for them to switch back over, you could leave them but ittl...