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  1. K

    4:20 Harvest...for reals

    How do you try them? hang for 3 4 days and then put them in glass jaws?
  2. K

    Starting third Week of flowering

    Monday is starting the 3rd week of my flowering stage! Looking healthy, any opinion? Thank you!
  3. K

    First week of flowering

    The strain is Venus!
  4. K

    First week of flowering

    Look guys! ITs healthy!
  5. K

    Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?

    As far as i know, lots people told me that i can you bubble water that i buy from the supermarket like selztzer will do the Co2 all day to the plants. Thast the cheapest way to give a little extra Co2 to the plants.
  6. K

    Do i really need CO2 for my flowering plants?

    Lots of pro growers said that i need Co2 for my plants during the flowering stage, some said they dont even bother with them...whast is the true behind it? Co2 gives you better buds? or what does it do? And also if you cant afford a Co2 tank system, can you use Seltzer water spraying direct to...
  7. K

    Flowering time!!! Finally

    now should i change my plants to bigger containers? right now i have total 6...and 4 of them are in a one gallon bucket. Thank you!
  8. K

    Flowering time!!! Finally

    how many weeks u think i be able to flowering starting from seed? Please give me some advice...thank you
  9. K


    Stain. dont know how it happend
  10. K

    Flowering time!!! Finally

    My plants have being 6 weeks..Times to go flower babies!
  11. K

    My plants is in Fifth week...can i flower them yet??

    Please i need some opinion.....right now i am putting them 18/6...can i change to 12/12 now or should i wait for another week? Thank you.
  12. K

    my plants going to fifth week

    Yeah man! I change to 400 w sodium light.
  13. K

    Six days difference in Veget stage!

    Look only 6 days different!! I used to light my plants with 2 48" FL light....and I changed to 400 w Sodium light. I am gonna use the 400w from veget to flowering!
  14. K

    my plants going to fifth week

    This is fith week i grow fast
  15. K

    Yellowing outter leaves and browning tips (pics included)

    you need more lights and less water.
  16. K

    My new lights and plants

    oh yea i do...its at the floor
  17. K

    My new lights and plants

    No..its in 5 weeks old...i made a mistake at firs 3 weeks....i was using 2 of 48' FL white light so it didnt grow much. I went to hydro garden store and they told me i can use 400 w sodium light from start to finish. All i need is adjust the timer then it will grow faster.