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  1. W

    Why havent these pistils turned orange/red?

    i just chopped down one of mine that was doing the same exact thing. i got tired of waiting and chopped with the other one i had left that started like dieing in the middle i dunno what i did to it. looks like alot of your pistals are still white though.
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    thanks i orderd a 6 inch exhaust and carbon filter
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    if i buy a Super Quiet PowerMax 4400 Watt Portable Gas Generator how long would you say it will run constant since im trying to figure out how much gas im gonna need. Im trying to run 2 600 watt hps hortilux bulbs and one of those air conditoners that isnt in the window since my room dosnt...
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    Bub and ak47?

    i was wondering if i take the pollen from my bubalicious male and put it on my ak47 x with lowryder number 2 (Easy Ryder). Will the seeds that it makes be Bubalicious x ak47 low ryder #2. Will these seeds autoflower like the ak47 low ryders do? Hoping this is possible. Thanks for any responds.
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    Polinating Bubalicious and Ak47 lowrider #2?

    thats what i was thinking
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    Polinating Bubalicious and Ak47 lowrider #2?

    i was wondering if i take the pollen from my bubalicious male and put it on my ak47 x with lowryder number 2 (Easy Ryder). Will the seeds that it makes be Bubalicious x ak47 low ryder #2. Will these seeds autoflower like the ak47 low ryders do? Hoping this is possible. Thanks for any responds.
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    When is it ok to use my HPS 400??

    thanks i will do this but keep far away i have a hortilix bulb it has the blue spectrum in it as well.
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    When is it ok to use my HPS 400??

    i was wondering if anyone could tell me what size my plants should be ready to use hps. And when they are how far should i have them away from them. i have a 400 hps hotilux bulb. Thanks for any help. here is a picture of em there about a week old.
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    i was wondering what the best way is to get some ventilation in a small closet with a 400 watt hps i have them in my bigger closet which has way to much room and i need the space. now but its too hott and im trying to cool them down i had to water everday when they were in 2 gallon pots but not...
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    Clone Growing Single Leafs???

    forgot the pictures
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    Clone Growing Single Leafs???

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me why my clones decided to start growing 1 leaf instead of the usual 5-7-9 it had 5 leaves when i cloned it from its mother which was also a clone. Will it start get more leaves on it? And if it keeps doing this is it worth saving?
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    Pruning alternating nodes question????

    i clipped off the newest growth and it didnt break off to 2 cola's. It just starts growing with one again.
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    Pruning alternating nodes question????

    its a clone from a clone. Im not trying to trim off the fan leaves. Im trying to top it i guess is the word. i want 2 main colas instead of one.
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    Pruning alternating nodes question????

    i have tried to prune my clones in the past and they have alternating nodes and when i did cut off new growth it just stopped growing for a while and did not break into 2 branches like my clones that dont have alternating nodes. is there a special way im supposed to prune the alternating nodes...
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    She Ready?!?

    send me some seeds. do you know the strain? thats a nice looking plant.
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    pre-mature bud question??

    thank you thats what im gonna do is just keep them in the jars for a while hopefully it will get better so it isnt a total loss.
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    pre-mature bud question??

    a few weeks ago someone broke all my plants that i had outside. buds are rather small since it wasnt time yet. my buds have been in mason jars for at least 2 weeks. i was wondering if there how i might be about to make the bud taste better. its tastes green u can tell it wasnt ready. its...
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    3 leafs instead of 5?

    i was wondering why all of the 5 & 7 leafs died off my female plant that i had outside(all new growth are 3 leafs)? i have also made some clones from it and they as well have only 3 leafs? this plant looks very healthy. Has very large pistils. Can anyone tell me why this happened?
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    My Clones???

    well i dunno if i fucked it up but i tried some old rooting agent(Powder) that my dad had that was years old i had them in water first and put some of the rooting agent in the water. but i bought some new rooting agent (Powder) and now they are in dirt the plant is mostly green but the leaves...
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    My Clones???

    my clones are looking a lil droopy. Is this normal?