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  1. TheSnake

    Can someone tell me WTF this flying shit is!?

    After one click on google, they must be white flies! Thank you smoke and coke.
  2. TheSnake

    Can someone tell me WTF this flying shit is!?

    would dunking all the colas on the stems w/ fan leaf hurt anything before trimming / hanging? Because i save my trim for hash and don't want these critters in there, although im sure it doesn't hurt anything (but them) I would like the final product bug free... lol
  3. TheSnake

    What do you guys do when it starts fucking with you?

    Only thing i don't like about passing out, is that if a break-in or police happen, I'm not in any condition to respond.
  4. TheSnake

    What do you guys do when it starts fucking with you?

    Well, First I put my pistol and any other weapons, the fuck on the other side of the room. Tell myself "everything is in my head, I'm not dying, I'm not going to kill myself, I'm not dead, This is not a dream. This is life, It's just the drugs, go to sleep and feel better." annnnnd thats about...
  5. TheSnake

    buds are small!! need help

    Lights... Add them. Shit don't come free. USE POWWWWAH! :)
  6. TheSnake

    Can someone tell me WTF this flying shit is!?

    Here is a pic, as clear as can be... They are not spider mites, these are bigger, no webs etc... def larva, and they fall off if you brush them with finger. Was thinking about dunking everything in water before i hang to dry after harvest to minimize these fuck-sticks.
  7. TheSnake

    Is selling really that profitable?

    Go around asking people if they got smoke or if they smoke. If they do, that means they smoke, or deal, or both. Both are you're market. (don't be afraid to ask, especially if your just asking "hey you know were i can get some smoke at ?") When you run across people (MANY) flipping weed to smoke...
  8. TheSnake

    Can someone tell me WTF this flying shit is!?

    Got bugs flying around, small as fuck... not spider mites, had those before, and there leaving larva on the underside on the fan leaves? Worry or not? put up fly tape, I suspect fungus gnats.
  9. TheSnake

    First Grow. Hopeing these arnt naners:/

    but so far, it looks beuno. It is hard as fuck when they form on buds...
  10. TheSnake

    First Grow. Hopeing these arnt naners:/

    Nannas are yellow, those are green. Watch closely. First sign of yellow, pinch, keep your fingers clenched, and submerge in water (let go, then wash hands), then return and look for more. If you keep, you may have to do this several times if it is a herm, so bring the bucket of water in the grow...
  11. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    I get the mentality. I find a grand here and there, is overlooked though. A sum of 10k/20k + a year, Maybe not. I think as long as you are not making more, illegally than you are legally, and you sock most of that shit away, you "SHOULD" be ok. The government does not like money moving without...
  12. TheSnake

    Day 94 of Flower. Not done, thoughts?

    hence why they are a normal outdoor plant...
  13. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    As many of us know, all drugs or anything that alters the mind, can be addictive. Do them long enough, that's your reality, not reality itself. I know very few marijuana addicts, zero shroom addicts, a few roid guys, a few coke guys, and a bunch of energy / amphetamine junkies. I could never...
  14. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    IDK what prisons you went to, but to get gang raped you need to be quite a piece of shit, or fuck someone over badly inside, or be a total pussy. Even if push comes to shove, in the most violent prisons in the united states, there are homosexual inmates giving it up for free, and if its that big...
  15. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    The good part, is that there are no real way of knowing someone is propagating them... Next to zero electricity, next to zero medium, zero smell, just keeping high humidity a/ heat / dark, during incubation, and maintaining humidity while fruiting with a bit of light... I mean you could do this...
  16. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    I'm just considering the most viable option that takes next to nothing... Why does every marijuana grower, not branch out to at least shrooms... I mean i have gone as far as thinking about seeing up a lab, and going the mdma route, not only do it love the drug, its is next to harmless, and...
  17. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    The bars are a lot better than a 9-5 minus pussy... workout / yard / tv = freedom... strapped to a dickhead boss 9/5 is far worse. In jail you got an issue with somebody, you can act on it, in the outside, your fucked or you go INSIDE. its pathetic.
  18. TheSnake

    Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

    I agree is a less taken substance in my local market, VERY VERY FEW have it... IF its even available... Personally because i like to be fucked up, but stay awake, it should be more my deal... Since i have yet to try, but hear all sorts of positive things. But the market for weed, is also a...
  19. TheSnake

    Top 3 Most Punchable

    what the FUCK!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!? a 1911 with like a 9 inch barrel? WTF IS THIS lol