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  1. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    I lived in north GA, and it got as hot as FL some days (currently in FL) its hot as balls here... SO i always mention A/C ... If you get a huge a/c, and somehow vent with light seal in tact, you'll cool it when it needs, like in the few coming months. For the rest of the year, i would say you...
  2. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    You could have an automated hyrdo system, or soil, the problem with soil in this shit i just drew up is getting to the farther plants to water them, cold enough it would only have to be twice or three times a week in soil. in hydro you could run pvc, and drainage, through the whole thing and...
  3. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    the O's are 1000 watt lights vertically, each with at least 1 carbon filter on the ground, then at least a 440CFM 6" inline through a cooltube, and through the roof or someplace else. OR you can go bare bulb and save some money, but apply it into other fans, and additional AC/// dont know your...
  4. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    fans, AC, other shit can come in later...
  5. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    fucking forum, ill draw pic on paint.
  6. TheSnake

    Grow Room Under Construction, trying to get it right the first time.

    For flower I would do 2x (1000 watt hps) vertically. So its like X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X O X X X X X X X Then veg is just whatever...
  7. TheSnake

    Weird bud sites

    HPS burn looks like the bud has been BLEACHED, it's white as fuck when it happens... Keep the lights higher and try your damnest to keep 9-10" from bulb if 1k watt. I've smoked bleached bud, it's basically the same, unless it got so fucking hot it actually vaped the tricombs.
  8. TheSnake

    Software seed to sale

    Do you take your own cuttings anymore? Or does a machine do it for you? lmao
  9. TheSnake

    DEA Raided This Woman's House After She Shopped At A Garden Store

    This is why you use a vehicle that is not registered to you, or if it is, your drivers license address is at a dif location than your grow is. Base head ass cops... Anyone growing illegally knows this shit... Home depot, no problem, too many people, to many are normal to fuck with...
  10. TheSnake

    Software seed to sale

    What are you talking about?
  11. TheSnake

    Kind LED 450 its HERE XD

    Looks like a disco, not a grow operation... I dig it. Got the tunes blasting too? lol
  12. TheSnake

    Just a reminder to never forget.

    What happened on sept 1st, 2001? Lol
  13. TheSnake

    getting CO rec buds home?

    Also , main roads between states that are "fast easy routes between states and cities" are drug traffic stop areas. You can take backroad's and neighborhoods through the entire united states, across state lines, etc and have no problem what so ever. Although slow, it has much less risk.
  14. TheSnake

    getting CO rec buds home?

    Dogs can be fooled. Grab a rodent or cat or something and let it loose in the car. Packages ontop of packages multiple times, changing gloves each time. Will buy you time, but eventually the sent goes all the way through. When in doubt, and you can't chance it... Train and keep your own drug...
  15. TheSnake


    It's simple, somehow spores landed in your medium, and your grow was good condition for them to propagate, so they did. No harm done, just pull them out and dispose.
  16. TheSnake

    Grow room blue prints?

    If this is automated and hydroponic, plumbing knowledge will help as well.
  17. TheSnake

    Grow room blue prints?

    A place like would have prints im sure... But I would design it tailored to your space. Not just the grow space, you also need FULL plans, to run the proper amount of power to everything, safely. A background in drafting, and electric would behoove you.
  18. TheSnake

    Are Hot Women attacted More to Bad Guys

    Everyone on this forum, minus fakes are in a sense an outlaw. At least the Americans in here... It's still federally illegal. Feel the bad-assery start to build? When you are purposely doing something "bad" , and know it... Thats what it feels like to be an outlaw, when it becomes normal, and...
  19. TheSnake

    Seeds won't open?

    yeah, fuck seeds... Clone the living fuck out of the indica you do have... Screw those other seeds. Not all seeds pop, or sprout, or drop the shell... fact of life. That's why most commercial growers use clones.
  20. TheSnake

    First real attempt at growing indoors, 600w vert Ch9 Fem Seeds Humboldt

    If its your first "real" grow, just try not to freak out and flip your lid if any bad shit happens. It's a slow fucking learning process man.