Search results

  1. TheSnake

    Question about nutes

    Maybe wait till that sucker is 9-12" before you start fucking things up... LMAO, J/K but many of us have terrible first grows. Here is hoping you did a decent amount of homework. :)
  2. TheSnake

    I want a girlfriend that grows as good as I do

    Don't we all? Lol, my chick can't grow a fucking thing! I would have her teenage son (stoner) water/nute/ph out of town before I would ask her ass. LOL That's assuming hes pinching nugs too... Fucker.
  3. TheSnake

    Trouble dialing in aero cloner

    Maybe try using some strong ISO-Alcohol, I dropped leaf into a QWISO batch, and it was dissolved quick as FUCK. If it can DISSOLVE a leaf, I know that shit can clean.
  4. TheSnake

    Trouble dialing in aero cloner

    Heavy chemicals are the way to go for cleaning. Bleach, Acid's, etc. If it can melt a body, it can clean a res. :) lol
  5. TheSnake

    Newbie who needs advice on medium

    I been growing just over a year indoors now, and I still am working out the kinks, and fucking things up every now and then, and scared of hydro growing still (soil here), you got some balls to start with hydro. Unless you have gardened before, that is.
  6. TheSnake

    1000 watt light, 5x5 or 4x4 grow tent?

    Maybe a VERT grow, light in center, and 4 plants, one each corner. Not the easiest to tend to because of the light being in the way, but everything should be even-ish.
  7. TheSnake

    A/C BTU two small unit's or one large? Difference? two 5k's vs one 10k.

    Due to my flower room being located in a heat generating sweaty as balls area, in a fucked to shit climate, A/C s the only practical thing to combat heat. I been growing bag seed (which was pretty potent, and everyone likes it, including myself) but i been having some of them hermie, and I'm...
  8. TheSnake

    Transporting narcotics via plain sight concealment. Idea's?

    Perhaps. Although most cops that dont come home piss drunk, are too busy trying to fix there sex life, not researching and doing recon on how they can bust for drugs. They are human too, and don't live there job. I know this because i was friends with about half dozen fucktards that became cops...
  9. TheSnake

    Transporting narcotics via plain sight concealment. Idea's?

    When i have to transport, I been looking for quick ideas for concealment in plain sight. Lately I've used nasty fucking old shoes/socks, and a few other methods but my fav has to be potato chip bags. The problem, Is resealing in a timely manor and finding portable methods to do so. What i...
  10. TheSnake

    Removing fan leaves during flowering

    I'm dying!!! LMAOOOOO
  11. TheSnake

    400 watt hps grow box Bio Kush, purple Kush, Vanilla Kush

    I would stick with the 4 hundo. U flip, they stretch, not a kush grower yet so idk how bad the stretch is, but If I had that amount of space, i would have basically did a 12/12 from seed/clone. Don't think you'll get close to a pound, but its worth it. :) free smoke, n sell to your buddies to...
  12. TheSnake

    seedling help!!! dining :( again!!

    25 fucking degrees!? Please tell me that is NOT F*, in C* that's 77* F which is good, what did you plant the seeds into? Once germed, they dont need much water, could be over water but I doubt. A 1 FULL INCH TAIL!? that's pretty fucking big for a seed pre-planting. May want to try at 1/8"-1/4"...
  13. TheSnake

    Lst then top or top then lst?

    Don't think it matters man, and fuck topping (topping), try cheater topping... A lot faster recovery, and more shoots. THEN top. or keep cheater topping (if your trying to propagate clones that is) .
  14. TheSnake

    Straight HID socket/chord with no reflector, whats it called?

    YES! That's exactly what I'm looking for man, what is the name of the rig, that you plug into the ballast for that?
  15. TheSnake

    Straight HID socket/chord with no reflector, whats it called?

    I have an cooltube, reflector / socket HID 1k I have been using, and Been thinking about going bare bulb / hang with multiple lights / ballasts. Also Other wattages, What the hell do i search for? I searched for mogle / E39 mogle * (spelling?) or whatever the hell its called, and Ebay is coming...
  16. TheSnake

    I've recently been advised about growing clones in a cup of water and that's it..

    The stronger the plant is (most robust, healthy, grows best, above the rest) Seems to do just fine like this. Weaker ones will most likely either not take at all, or get roots very near death, which takes a long time to recover, if it even does.
  17. TheSnake

    I've recently been advised about growing clones in a cup of water and that's it..

    It work's, that's how i have been doing it for the last year. Problem is some strains seem to take to it a lot better than others, and you will always have a % die doing this. So take many, keep the strong, eliminate the weak. It helps If you foliar spray often as well, it's seemed to improve my...
  18. TheSnake

    Indica OR sativa OR hybrid

    No worries, you'll learn what you need to know after you burn that shit, and experience it first hand.